Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 415 The Hateful Frankenstein

Chapter 415 The Hateful Frankenstein
She no longer hesitated, and thrust out the green vine in her hand, piercing Xi Lingzhi's face.

The green vines on the gold-type person next to her blocked her, she stepped back suddenly, and shouted, "Wu Feng!"

Wu Feng rushed out and attacked the gold-type person. Lu Nanqi took the opportunity to rush towards Xi Lingzhi, and a new person with supernatural abilities came forward to encircle her.

Xi Lingzhi was in a good mood, and stopped pinching the little goblin, but threw it on the ground violently, and then joined the battle himself, proudly yelling at Lu Nanqi, "I don't believe there are so many of us. I can't beat you this time!"

Looking at the little goblin who was thrown on the ground, Lu Nanqi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there is no threat to suppress her, then everything that follows will be easier to handle.

"Really, let's try and see if I win or you lose in the end." She smiled, and the confident smile on her face hurt his eyes.

Xi Lingzhi gritted his teeth, "When you are about to die, you are still fighting with me. Let me see how long you can last. Everyone listen to me. Either take her down, or wait for all of you to die!"

As soon as he drank, those people became even more desperate. Everyone is afraid of death, and life is the motivation of people.

These people are no exception.

The reason why they listened to Xi Lingzhi's words was that their hands were restrained.

A bunch of poor people, one hateful Frankenstein.

Lu Nanqi didn't hesitate any longer, and launched a fierce attack. They looked at the crowd, but none of them could really hurt her. Their abilities were too weak. Before they could attack her, they had already been given crack.

It's difficult for her to deal with so many people, but she can still defend.

Wu Feng dealt with the gold-type people, worried that Lu Nanqi would not be able to hold on, and slowly backed away from her, but Lu Nanqi led them to go elsewhere, taking them away from the little goblin.

Xi Lingzhi was still laughing wildly, and this time he put the verbal attack on Wu Feng's side, "Huo Zhonglin and his son hate you, don't you know that she is Huo Ping's woman, even if you go out with her, Huo Ping will let you go? Don't be stupid, if you escape from prison, he will just kill you on the spot."

Wu Feng sneered, "It's not the same thing. When talking about others, please review yourself first. What kind of thing are you? You have the nerve to persuade me here."

"At least I can feed your stomachs every day, let alone worry about the dangers outside all day long. How good it is to follow me and make some contributions to science." Xi Lingzhi still smiled, like a child who didn't grow up.

In other words, he has the immature childish mind of a child himself, so when he does anything, he has an extra playful mind.

The purpose of his research may not be to contribute to any country, but purely because he likes it in his heart. He thinks such an experiment is very interesting...

Lu Nanqi turned his mind quickly, looked at Xi Lingzhi's eyes, and became more and more inquisitive, "Since you like to contribute so much, why don't you contribute yourself, you also have abilities, you contribute yourself, I believe The country will be very happy and maybe give you a certificate of merit."

Xi Lingzhi's smiling face changed color in vain, and he stopped playing around, and his moves at her instantly became fierce and decisive, "It's enough to have such an excellent experimental product as you, so it's my turn."

"Let me just say, if you don't like it, just say you don't like it, why get so excited." Lu Nanqi only defended but didn't attack, and retreated repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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