Chapter 456 Poison

The two persisted, seeing the black mist surrounding Lu Li's body spread more and more, but the two still didn't recognize each other.

Liao Sponge anxiously said, "Seventh Sister, don't hesitate."

It was better for one of them to be injured than for both of them to be poisoned.

And Lu Nanqi knew countless things, and when they were still confused, she already knew that the black mist in Lu Li's body was poison.

Judging by reason, Huo Ping is better at doing this.

To keep her safe is to keep Huo Ping and Lu Li safe.

They need her knowledge to detoxify.

Lu Nanqi frowned, but finally chose to retreat.

His stubbornness did not lose to her, and her retreat also divided the stalemate between them.

She temporarily loses him by one level.

"Sponge, you go outside and wait," she said.

"Aren't you going?" Liao Sponge pursed his lips, remained silent for a moment, and then reminded anxiously: "Seventh sister, you will all be poisoned in this way."

"As long as you are obedient, we'll be fine." Lu Nanqi urged, "Go quickly, don't dawdle."

Huo Ping glanced at her, with worry floating in his deep eyes, "I am enough to take him out alone, and it is unnecessary for you to stay."

"I said, I can make sure everyone is okay, otherwise you think I will kill Xi Lingzhi regardless?" Lu Nanqi looked serious, not as if he was joking with him.

Huo Ping stared at her silently for a few seconds before making concessions, "It's fine to stay, pay attention to safety."

This was originally her business and had nothing to do with him. It was mostly for the sake of the relationship as a friend to help her find Lu Li together.

Now that he found it, he just left.

Even if he left without saying anything, she wouldn't say anything.

But he wants to get involved, no matter how big or small, as if this is his responsibility and has nothing to do with her.

The identities of the two of them have been exchanged for a round.

Lu Nanqi felt a little worried, why was he so disobedient.


The two had reached a consensus that it was useless for Liao Sponge to talk more, and it would only increase the trouble if he continued to stay, so he had to obediently leave this underground laboratory first.

Lu Nanqi gave Huo Ping one last look, and reminded in a warning voice: "This poison will enter the internal organs of the human body through breathing. As long as you persist in holding your breath, you will be safe and sound. Get Lu Li out of it first, and then we will take turns taking it with you." He's out."

"The army has trained to hold his breath in water. My time is 5 minutes. Such a short distance is enough for me to take him out, but you." Huo Ping paused for a while, staring at her worriedly, "Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, I won't miss you." Lu Nan said seven times, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed the glass for the second time.

The glass shattered even more, and the black mist rushed out in an instant. The two pursed their lips and closed their breaths tightly, without speaking.

There were still some glass shards left on it, so if you knock it down again, you are afraid of hurting Lu Li inside.

Lu Nanqi put away his sword and pulled out the glass piece by piece with his bare hands, Huo Ping followed suit.

When all the glass shavings are cleaned up, 1 minute has passed.

The two looked at each other, and tacitly cooperated to drag Lu Li out of it, then led him and rushed outside.

One of them went out with one arm crossed, and they moved quickly, successfully bringing Lu Li up in less than 3 minutes.

Before they put Lu Li on the ground, two bright and sharp knives were placed on their necks.

Lu Nanqi's eyes became sharp in vain, and he shot straight ahead like a knife.

On the deserted open space, another group of two or thirty people appeared, and surrounded them tightly.

The leader is Huo Zhonglin.

(End of this chapter)

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