Chapter 459 Kill her!

The two struggled to crawl far away, but they didn't crawl very far before lying on the ground completely motionless.

Their lips and teeth were black, exactly the same color as the black mist emanating from Lu Li's body.

Huo Zhonglin was startled, and hurriedly ordered someone to go over and pull back the two people who were already lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Check it out, it's okay, although it doesn't look right, it's still breathing.

"Lu Nanqi, give me the antidote." Huo Zhonglin pulled out the gun on his waist, stepped forward a few steps, pointed the black muzzle in the direction of Lu Nanqi.

Huo Ping subconsciously protected her and blocked her with his body, "Dad, you didn't see that she was poisoned too!"

Lu Nanqi's small lips were purple.

The operation of the ability will deepen the outbreak of the toxin.

At this time, she was similar to anyone who was poisoned, and she seemed to be able to fight, maybe worse than others, she was just holding on.

"Lu Li is her younger brother. She has nothing to do. Lu Li will always find a way. The black mist escaped from his body. Otherwise, we will consciously leave Lu Li behind. We will cure the poison ourselves."

After all, Huo Zhonglin still refused to let their siblings leave easily.

His goal was Lu Li, and he would do anything to get Lu Li.

Lu Nanqi clenched his teeth, and a green vine rushed directly to Huo Zhonglin, taking away the gun in his hand.

I have told him directly with actions that everything he wants is impossible!

"Everyone obey the order, kill her!" Huo Zhonglin ordered in a deep voice with a gloomy look on his face.

"Dad!" Huo Ping yelled, turned around, and pressed tightly against Lu Nanqi.

He also told Huo Zhonglin with actions that if he wanted to kill her, he had to step on him first.

Huo Zhonglin was only trembling with anger, staring at Huo Ping with his old eyes, and after a few seconds, he snorted angrily and stepped back a few steps away.

This is... a compromise?

Or give up his son?
Huo Ping frowned, and with his hands up, two groups of flames shot out, burning towards their attackers.

His actions told everyone, Huo Zhonglin - gave up his son...

Lu Nanqi threw out four or five green vines from his palm, attacking the people around him, directly hitting their deadly hearts and heads.

It's a pity that she was poisoned, and her ability weakened a lot. When she attacked, many of them were blocked by them. She hurt their bodies at most, but she couldn't really kill them.

In the five or six minutes of fighting, she actually only managed to kill four people, while the others she hit suffered only varying degrees of injuries.

On average, there is not even one in 1 minute.

The combat ability is too low.

Huo Ping's side is not much better. His fire element can burn a large area, but like her, because of being poisoned, his attack power is greatly weakened. He can affect them, but he can't really deal with them.

The fire element erupted and burned them, but the water element ability among them immediately extinguished his fire.

They were temporarily confused, Lu Nanqi took advantage of the opportunity, and four or five green vines attacked again, taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they solved the two of them at once.

But because of this, he neglected the defense behind.

A bolt of lightning struck her on the back, passed through her chest, and went straight to her heart.

"Hmm..." Lu Nanqi snorted, his lips, which were purple from poisoning, turned pale.

Her legs gave way and she collapsed.

"Qiqi!" Startled, Huo Ping reached out to catch her.

He doesn't look much better than her.

The thunder seemed to hit his body, and at the same time, it touched his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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