Chapter 482 Family
After driving for more than two hours, I finally returned to the village smoothly. By the time I arrived, it was completely dark.

The snow also seemed to be heavier than during the day.

Lu Nanqi only said to bring her family here before, but never said that she would bring so many people.

Seeing a group of people standing in the courtyard, Zhang Mingyue was so surprised that she couldn't speak for a long time. After a while, she said, "Didn't you say it was only your family?"

"These are my family members." Lu Nanqi said: "Don't worry, we are just making do with your old house tonight. After dawn, we will move to a house near the old house."

All her family?
Zhang Mingyue couldn't help being dumbfounded. She had already learned from Zhang Ruihuai that her family consisted of a mother and a younger brother.

So many people, the point is... no room.

She frowned and said, "There are only two vacant rooms left in the old house. There are so many of you, how are you going to rest tonight?"

Mu He said bluntly, "Don't worry, we'll make the floor, I'm used to it."

That's the end of the talk, and people are coming.

If they are driven out at this time, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not hold a grudge and confess their village.

Even if she believed in Lu Nanqi's character, she couldn't trust the character of the group of people next to her.

No matter what dissatisfaction you have now, you can only wait until tomorrow morning.

"It's up to you." Zhang Mingyue said, but his eyes fell on Lu Nanqi's face, with some displeasure.

If she wants to bring someone over, does she have to say hello to her first?
She is the master here, she is not Lu Nanqi!

Lu Nanqi knew that this decision would definitely bring criticism to Zhang Mingyue's heart.

"I'll give you a reasonable explanation." She said, and entered the room first.

Zhang Mingyue followed.

Everyone knew that they were going to talk about something, and no one dared to follow up to make fun of themselves.

As soon as she entered the house, Zhang Mingyue asked, "What is this? With so many people, are you willing to kill the whole village?"

"They won't tell about this place, they are all trustworthy people." Lu Nanqi explained, "They have followed me through life and death, and have never betrayed me between life and death. I also believe that they will not do it for their own killing innocent lives here."

"People's hearts are unpredictable, they are your people, you can trust them, but why should I trust them?" Zhang Mingyue snorted coldly, "You brought so many people here because you want to take this place as your own and become the king here !"

On the way here, Lu Nanqi was most worried about this.

She brought so many people here, Zhang Mingyue must be wary, sure enough.

"Plants mutate, and the danger is imminent. You will need them in the future." She said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Zhang Ruihuai first. When you go back, he and I have experienced it personally. He is your younger brother. You will never see him again." I can't believe it."

Zhang Mingyue sneered, "People have already been brought here, so it doesn't matter whether I agree or not? Should we let them go and let them go outside to spread rumors about my village?"

The structure of the old house is simple, her voice is not low, and people outside can hear it.

When Zhang Ruihuai heard this, he immediately opened the door and went in, "Sister, what she said is true. I saw with my own eyes that those vines tied people up and sucked their blood dry. It was extremely cruel. We live in the village , surrounded by plants, in fact, we are in danger every day, but if Seventh Sister and the others stay, then at least half of our danger can be relieved. Almost all of them are supernatural beings. With them, Our lives will be more secure."

(End of this chapter)

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