Chapter 484 I Believe
Meng Lun said: "You said what everyone saw, but what about the things that everyone didn't see, you always keep everything in your heart, and it's nothing to say. Let's think of a way together, maybe we can Solved it?"

Lu Nanqi asked back: "What can happen to me? Haven't you all seen everything with your own eyes?"

"You decided to live here for a reason." Meng Lun asked directly. He knew her well. If it wasn't for a reason, she wouldn't come here to live with someone like Zhang Mingyue.

Seeing that she didn't speak, he continued to speculate, "You have felt that it has snowed several times, is something going to happen soon?"

Something is wrong... The world is about to undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Is there? I didn't notice it anyway." Lu Nanqi smiled, the smile was really forced, "Then will you believe my words, no matter what I say, no matter how outrageous my words are, how fantastic ?”

"I believe."

"Even if what I'm talking about is about the future, everything hasn't happened yet, and everything is just a few words from me, do you still believe it?"

"I believe."

"I said it will rain tomorrow, the river will flood the roads, the water will freeze, the snow will cover everything, and people will freeze to death, do you believe me?"

Meng Lun's eyes were shocked, it turned out to be like this.

After recovering from the shock, he still said, "I believe it."

Believe from beginning to end, never doubt.

"Is there any countermeasure?" He asked again, "Since we know that this will happen, why do we still come to this remote place? Just find a place near the base, I think it will be safer than here. If there is a flood, the base will be destroyed." It must be difficult to protect ourselves over there. At that time, there is no way to catch you and Lu Li. There are so many houses there. As long as we are willing to hide, they want to find us. It’s okay, but what if it’s a funeral plant?”

"Didn't you notice that this place is so high that no matter how flooded the river is, it won't be able to reach it." Lu Nanqi said, "Although there are dead plants here, there are also mutated plants. As long as we handle them well, we won't be able to There will be danger."

"You have already made plans." Meng Lun said, even more surprised by her planning for a rainy day.

She can always think further than others.

No wonder she always looks so sad.

How could she be happy when she put all the burdens on herself.

Lu Nanqi laughed at himself, "I'm just used to leaving myself a way out."

People who only think about themselves will not travel with so many people.

Meng Lun knew in her heart that she was indifferent on the surface, but most of the time, she was just not good at expressing. She preferred to prove it by doing things.

"When are you going to tell them about it?" he asked.

Lu Nanqi shook his head, because even if she said it, they might not believe it 100%.

Furthermore, there are people from Zhang Mingyue here, if she speaks out casually, it may cause panic to the people on her side.

"Are you worried that they won't believe it?" Meng Lun said, "Why don't you use the base?"

What if the news came from the base?
He thought, Zhang Mingyue wouldn't believe it.

Just cover Zhang Ruihuai's mouth in the middle.

Seeing that Lu Nanqi didn't answer, he said again: "If you feel embarrassed, why don't I tell them?"

It's not that difficult, it's just that everyone is not stupid, and they have just come out of the base, so no one in the base has spread such news.

(End of this chapter)

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