Chapter 519 She Really Has It!

No matter where she knew about those things, Zhang Mingyue already knew in her heart that everything Lu Nanqi said would happen.

Her questioning was just to get more news from Lu Nanqi's mouth, so as not to let her people live in a passive way.

But obviously, Lu Nanqi didn't intend to tell too much of the truth.

While she was wary of Lu Nanqi, Lu Nanqi was also wary of herself.

Meng Lun came down from upstairs and interjected, "All kinds of things have happened up to now, what else can you not believe? You have seen the outside of the village now, everywhere is flooded by stagnant water. If you don't deal with it here, you won't After a few days, it will be completely submerged in the same way as the base, and by then, even gods will not be able to save you."

"At this time, it's not about the source of the news. What's more important is how to solve all these disasters?" Chen Xiaochen continued.

He doesn't like Zhang Mingyue's temperament, he is too suspicious, the key point is that he has no real skills, and he keeps a sullen face all day long, as if he is about to go to heaven.

His Seventh Sister is still cute, although she has a strong temper, but no matter how soft and cute she is, she will never get tired of it.

"Solution, don't you already have a solution, do you still need me to think about it?" Zhang Mingyue said, thinking of their total actions after they came here.

When Lu Nanqi made a deal with her last time, he was afraid that he had already calculated it, and deliberately chose to compromise, saying that he would bring her family over.

If it was as expected, at that time, she had already made plans to move her family here for the winter.

Really has her!

On the surface, he was discussing things with her, but secretly, he was scheming against her.

"I don't know if we need you, but we need the boatman who is with you." Chen Xiaochen said in a low voice, "Seventh Sister doesn't have as much free time as you, if you know how to be grateful, then Hurry up and ask your people to cooperate with our work well, if you still want to question it, then I'm really sorry, we have to ask you to go out."

Zhang Mingyue gave Chen Xiaochen a sideways look, and said to Meng Lun: "I told them when I came here, I will come over to your side after dinner, and let them obey your orders at any time."

Chen Xiaochen was extremely displeased with her rolling eyes, "Since this is the case, then it's fine, what else can I say?"

The two choked.

Lu Nanqi ignored their quarrel, bowed his head and continued to eat his breakfast.

Sometimes it's better to be stupid than to be stupid.

Zhang Mingyue couldn't please her, and seeing that Lu Nanqi didn't want to say anything, she had to leave angrily.

Although she didn't ask anything, she confirmed Lu Nanqi's ability. In this disaster, she thought that at least her people would not be in danger.

The safe return of Zhang Mingyue and Zhang Ruihuai made the villagers believe in Lu Nanqi's ability.

Coupled with what the boatman saw with his own eyes, he couldn't help bragging when he came back. When those people faced Lu Nanqi, they couldn't help but a little more respect and awe.

At the same time, when faced with the orders she gave, she was more obedient.

After all, they are all people who have made promises.

But Lu Nanqi didn't say a word about it after saving Zhang's brothers and sisters.

This alone was enough to make them look at her differently.


The rain and snow were still so heavy, and it never stopped after returning from the base.

The continuous rain for a week made the accumulated water even higher.

The stagnant water that was only below was now almost halfway up the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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