Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 524 A Strong Man Will Not Get Hurt

Chapter 524 A Strong Man Will Not Get Hurt

Sure enough, what she worried about happened.

Hearing what he said, she squatted down and checked the wound on his leg. The wound was bloody and bloody. It didn't look like it was scratched by a reptile, but rather...

She was startled suddenly, and looked up at Wu Feng, a little unbelievable, "You treated the wound yourself?"

"Otherwise? If you don't deal with it, you will have to wait for death. Do you think I have a choice?" Wu Feng's pale face showed a tragic smile. Thinking of everything yesterday, it was really close to death.

The man who held Wu Feng's wound before said: "After we met the reptile, we broke up with Brother Feng. When we find him, he will look like this."

The man's tone sank, and he spoke again, with slow admiration, "Brother Feng is the most powerful man I've ever seen."

Wu Feng laughed at himself, "A strong man won't get hurt, and won't be in such a mess."

"That's right, it was dealt with in a timely manner. Otherwise, what I should have seen today would probably only be your corpse, or a zombie, or a new reptile that has evolved from a reptile." Lu Nanqi couldn't help admiring her eyes.

The bump on his leg was not scratched by some monster.

Instead, after being sprayed with venom by the reptile, in order to prevent the venom from corroding his body, he personally cut off the flesh from the wound.

Without any measures and anesthesia, he can still be firm until now. It requires not only good physical fitness, but also strong psychological endurance.

He has both, and is indeed powerful.

"You mean, people can also become reptiles?" His attention was all on what Lu Nanqi said later.

"There is a kind of creeper whose venom can not only kill people, but also slowly transform into one of them at a certain probability during the evolution of the venom." Lu Nanqi explained: "Of course, I haven't seen the creeper you mentioned with my own eyes, so I can't draw such a conclusion 100% of the time."

"Have you seen many monsters? How do you know so much about these things?" Another man beside Wu Feng asked curiously.

With this question, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Even Wu Feng looked at her intently.

He wasn't the only one who was curious, everyone in this match was very curious.

I wonder why she can understand so many things that others don't.

But she is always reluctant to say more.

Always only say what should and needs to be said.

But everyone knows her temperament well, and knows that she also has unspeakable secrets in many cases.

So they pretended to be stupid cleverly, and never took the initiative to ask her about things that shouldn't be asked.

As long as she clearly knows that she will not hurt everyone, that's enough.

Being asked by this strange man again today inevitably aroused their curiosity.

For a moment, everyone looked at Lu Nanqi.

The man who asked the question was very young, in his twenties.

Feeling a little bewildered by the sudden silence, he glanced at the group of people behind Lu Nanqi, finally turned his gaze to Lu Nanqi slowly, and said again hesitantly, "What, what's wrong? I'm No, did you say something you shouldn't have said?"

Wu Feng was afraid of chaos, and said beside him: "Of course she has seen many monsters. The other kind of crawler I mentioned to you, the seventh sister who saved everyone, is the one you saw before your eyes. This, Lu Nanqi, known as Seventh Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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