Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 538 They Are Afraid Of You, Why?

Chapter 538 They Are Afraid Of You, Why?
The height of the basement is two meters in total, which is just enough for them to crawl, but their wide body and the fact that they are on all fours hinder their movement.

And this kind of creeper is more afraid of fire than other creepers.

Rather, they fear everything that shines.

They like dampness and darkness, so they chose to stay in this basement because it is impenetrable to light.

The torch in her hand was enough to scare off the smallest creeper.

"Don't love to fight, light the torches." She reminded aloud.

Hezi spun around among the other four creepers, and finally walked around her, protecting her behind her, holding a torch in his hand to point at the creepers, and silently pointed at the wooden box next to him with the other hand.

Lu Nanqi said in a deep voice, "Be careful."

She handed the torch to Hezi, and then quickly dodged to the side.

Hezi frowned and smiled because of her words.

She collected the wooden boxes, moving faster and faster each time.

The boxes became fewer and fewer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The creepers became more and more frenzied, and the one facing Hezi was scratching its four slippery claws, ready to pounce on him at any time.

However, it seems to be afraid.

Their eyes met, and it suppressed its furious voice as it prepared for battle.

He also glared his eyes and hissed in his throat.

The sound was no louder than it, but the crawler seemed too afraid to move forward.

After collecting the last batch of wooden boxes, Lu Nanqi turned around and saw this scene.

She couldn't help but narrow her eyes on his back, and walked towards him, "Withdraw."

It was loud enough for all three of them to hear.

"You go out first, we will arrive later." Meng Lun said.

Among the speeds, she was the slowest, she left first, and they left at ease.

Hezi pushed her, pointed to the stairs to go out, and neighed in his voice, as if telling her to go.

"Jiatong and Meng Lun retreat first, we stay and wait for Zhang Mingyue." Lu Nanqi gave the order.

Meng Lun seemed to hesitate, she shouted again, "Don't waste time, let's go!"

Meng Lun and Tan Jiatong looked at each other, and after all, they still obeyed her words, stopped fighting the creeper, backed away, turned around and rushed out of the basement.

Only the two of them were left, and the creepers immediately surrounded them.

She still didn't rush, "They are afraid of you, why?"

She questioned, her voice can be said to be sharp.

Hezi shook his head, he didn't know what to say other than shaking his head.

He couldn't speak, and even if he could, he wouldn't know what to explain.

The monster was afraid of him, and he just found out, and his surprise was no less than hers.

But he couldn't give her the answer to all of this.

"You're a zombie!" she guessed.

Apart from this, she couldn't think of any possibility.

Hezi shook his head again, looking at her with panicked eyes.

She raised her lips and said sarcastically, "Just casually, why are you nervous?"

But her eyes on his face were still full of scrutiny.

His uneasiness didn't subside in the slightest, he was anxious, his throat hoarse and wanted to speak, the more anxious he became, the more he couldn't make a sound, and in the end, even the hissing disappeared.

The five creepers joined forces and started to move again.

He stared fiercely at them, grinned at them, and made a fierce look, like a raging lion.

"Roar..." His voice began to neigh again, and the torch in his hand was waving at them even more. His mind was in a mess, thinking about Lu Nanqi's words. In a hurry, he threw the torch in his hand and smashed it on the ground. on the crawler.

(End of this chapter)

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