Chapter 551 Stealing Thieves?
It took almost half an hour to dig out the crystal nuclei, and when they got all the crystal nuclei, it was almost dark.

The five creeper crystal nuclei buried in the basement have not yet been taken out.

When they searched the basement to find the five crystal nuclei, it would be dark by then.

Obviously this is not the best time to find those five crystal nuclei again.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Lu Nanqi, and finally all unanimously turned their eyes to Meng Lun beside her.

They were embarrassed to ask, but Meng Lun has always been by her side, like a most qualified right-hand man, and even her words are conveyed by him every time.

As time goes by, everyone is used to explaining everything to him. Some unspeakable secrets to Lu Nanqi can be said on his side and conveyed by him, so you don't have to worry about whether you will anger her after telling Lu Nanqi angry.

Therefore, when they didn't know what language to use to explain the matter to Lu Nanqi, they could only put the signal for help on Meng Lun.

Meng Lun glanced at them, then turned his gaze to Lu Nanqi, "The crystal nucleus of the basement crawler hasn't been dug out yet, do we need to continue?"

"Why not continue?" Lu Nanqi asked back.

"But..." Meng Lun was also a little embarrassed, "It's getting dark, didn't you say you want to go back before it gets dark?"

"I know what you are worried about. I don't need your help in this matter." As Lu Nanqi said that, five vines from his palm were sacrificed, and they broke through the ground directly. Sensing the direction of the crystal nucleus's ability, the green vines rushed away .

After a long time, the specific location of the crystal nucleus has been found.

When the green vine was drawn back, the five crystal nuclei were firmly rolled on the top of the green vine.

"Let's go, let's go back now." When Lu Nanqi said, he didn't forget to glance at the group of people behind Meng Lun.

They are all in the same opinion, and they don't want to stay here for another night. Some have family members who are worried about it, and some are afraid of encountering another change.

At this moment, being stared at by Lu Nanqi so suddenly, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Because it was agreed before that the five crystal nuclei belonged to Lu Nanqi afterwards, but they wanted to go back instead of helping her get them.

Wu Feng rubbed his nose, and followed Lu Nanqi's footsteps first. He was the one who was the least anxious to leave. The proposal to give her all the creeper's crystal nuclei was what he said, and he had the most clear conscience. People are naturally him too.


When we arrived at the position of the bamboo raft, it was almost dark and a group of people passed by.

What Lu Nanqi didn't expect was that he would see Hezi and Tan Jiatong on the shore.

When she left, Hezi was still in a coma, and Tan Jiatong offered to stay and take care of Hezi.

Now, the two of them appeared together on the shore. Not only that, but from a distance, one could see Tan Jiatong pulling the grains onto the bamboo raft.

They're trying to steal her raft?

Lu Nanqi made a conclusion in his heart, and the arrow in his hand shot towards Tan Jiatong who had already stepped on the bamboo raft without hesitation.

The shot missed, and the arrow crossed over, and hit Tan Jiatong's feet, and landed firmly on the ground.

Tan Jiatong, who was still arguing with Hezi, immediately stopped all his movements and turned around in astonishment. When he saw Lu Nanqi's figure, he froze in place in a daze.

"You're back..." She looked at Lu Nanqi with a forced smile on her face, and when she met Lu Nanqi's sharp eyes, she suddenly panicked and hurriedly lowered her head, avoiding her eyes and not daring to look at her again.

(End of this chapter)

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