Chapter 566 A chess piece

In the base, Lu Nanqi never used an arrow once, and one of the few times he used the crossbow owned by the third thief.

The arrows are only used after coming to the village.

But this woman knows that she is good at archery!
Lu Nanqi subconsciously looked at Tan Jiatong who was still curled up on the bamboo raft, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, "Your little helper isn't smart enough, did you see that, he was shaking with fright."

The woman didn't even look at Tan Jiatong, "It's just a discarded chess piece. If you like it, I'll leave it to you."

Tan Jiatong looked up in shock amidst the woman's words.

Liao Sponge got psychic powers, which made the hidden memories in her mind completely awake.

Everything was done by this woman!
Now, she can still say such words!

Tan Jiatong glared at the woman viciously, and suddenly shouted angrily, "She is Xi Lingzhi's experimental product, she has all the superpowers in her body, and she has all the scientific research achievements of Xi Lingzhi, as long as you kill her, everything will be over It's..."

The woman aimed at Lu Nanqi's arrow, then suddenly turned around and shot straight at Tan Jiatong.

The power was so great that Tan Jiatong flew directly from the bamboo raft and fell into the water. The blood on his chest merged into the water, and was soon dragged into the depths of the water by the funeral plants that smelled the smell of blood.

"It's a chess piece, and it's trying to move me!" The woman's words were full of contempt.

Tan Jiatong's blood drove the plants hidden in the water completely crazy.

The woman aimed her second arrow at Lu Nanqi, and in an instant, all the plants in the water surged and broke through the water.

Before the stalemate battle started, the dead plants in the water had already taken the lead.

The people on Lu Nanqi's side had dealt with this creature several times, and they could barely handle it.

But the situation over there was different. Except for the two men and women standing at the bow, everyone else became embarrassed because of the loss of plants.

This is a good time.

Lu Nanqi secretly reminded Wu Feng, "I'm going to catch that woman, look at the timing and kill her."

"Tan Jiatong belongs to them, do you really believe her words?"

"Just do it." Lu Nanqi said, lifted his toes, and lightly jumped onto the bamboo raft that no one was sitting on. With the help of mutated plants, the bamboo raft slid straight towards the woman.

The distance is reduced and the moment becomes closer at hand.

The woman shot out the second arrow, and Lu Nanqi dodged the woman's attack by tilting her head slightly.

She curled her lips, and the corner of her mouth was mocking, "But that's it, as far as your archery skills are concerned, no one in my group is better than you."

The woman was instantly irritated, "You're just about to die and then say a few words, try my wooden element, and see if you can still laugh!"

The ability was activated, and two thick green vines shot out from her left and right palms instantly, wrapping around Lu Nanqi like lightning.

Her vines are much thicker than Lu Nanqi's.

Lu Nanqi took his time and threw out two green vines, facing the woman's thick vines.

Looking at this scene, the people behind couldn't help but sweat for Lu Nanqi.

The woman looked very confident, looking at Lu Nanqi's eyes, as if she was already a dead person.

Miracles are called miracles because they are always so unexpected and unbelievable.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Nanqi was about to be rolled up by green vines, the two vines in her palm, which were much thinner than a woman's, hit the thick vines of a woman, and went straight through the core of the vines.

Her speed is much faster than that of women.

(End of this chapter)

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