Chapter 571
"We will leave here and return to the village!" Lu Nanqi assured him.

Wu Wenbin held her hand with worry in his eyes, "Seventh Sister, let's go, let's go..."

There were too many enemies, he knew that she was just trying to appease him.

She has always been such a person, always reporting good news but not bad news.

Although he was about to die, he also knew the seriousness and danger involved.

Everyone is exhausted, even if it is a robot, parts will be damaged after several battles, let alone a human.

"Wu Wenbin..." Lu Li choked on his sobs, and felt his eye sockets tense for a moment.

The cold wind was blowing, and his eyes were dry, but he didn't have a tear.

He has tears profusely since he was a child, and his mother once laughed at him for being a wrong child. Given his love for crying, it would be more appropriate for him to be a girl.

It has been more than three months since the end of the world, but he found that he no longer knows what tears are.

Even in the face of life and death, he can't shed many tears.

Because I have seen too many people's hearts.

"Tsk tsk, did you see that another one of yours died." The woman's voice penetrated into everyone's ears, adding layers of hatred to their hearts.

Lu Li crossed his eyebrows, his eyes were dark and cold.

Can't wait to burst out the poison-type abilities, devouring them without even bones left.

Lu Nanqi bit the pressure groove secretly, his whole body's aura changed suddenly, and the wind surged.

Wu Wenbin was already on his deathbed, and his eyes were slack when looking at people, but he was still able to grab Lu Nanqi's hand at once.

He hissed, and said with difficulty: "Seventh Sister, let's go... take everyone with us, we must take everyone with us, well, live a good life..."

Lu Nanqi gritted his teeth the whole time.

Wu Wenbin heaved a sigh of relief, staring at her with dark eyes all the time, as if waiting for her final answer.

In his expectant eyes, she finally nodded, and said in a hoarse voice: "Okay."

During the sound, he kept holding her hand tightly, and finally fell down powerlessly.

Breath paragraph, fresh life stops at this moment.

She saw that his face was smiling like a flower.

Not the fear before death, but the ease after liberation.

Lu Nanqi felt sore, pursed his lips, and slowly put Wu Wenbin back on the bamboo raft, then stood up in the expectation of everyone.

Her intuition was indeed correct, the burning sensation in her body was always sending her a dangerous message.

And this scorching feeling didn't decrease because of Wu Wenbin's death, on the contrary, it became even more intense.

The injuries and deaths of members gave the opponent even more confidence.

The arrogance of the woman on the opposite side was even stronger, and a thick and strange voice ordered, "Everyone obeys the order, kill without mercy, whoever takes that woman's life will be rewarded with a hundred crystal nuclei, exquisite food, and a beautiful woman tonight! "

"My life is more than a hundred crystal nuclei." Lu Nanqi smiled slowly, his eyes turned sideways, the smile that had just reached his eyes was frozen from the tip of his eyes, and a chill appeared suddenly.

"In my opinion, your strength is worth this price at most." The woman's eyes were full of contempt.

"Really." Lu Nanqi narrowed her eyelids, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the longbow suddenly appeared in her hand, she set up the arrow and drew the bow, the black arrow pierced through the night, and went straight in front of the woman.

"Be careful!" The woman lowered her head to block the arrow.

The body of the arrow is like a shadow, so fast that people can only see a little phantom in the night that is only illuminated by the flashlight.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow had sunk into the man's body and passed straight through his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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