Chapter 575 Rescue!

Lu Nanqi planned to send a group of them away, and planned to stay alone to face everything.

She already has injuries on her body, how can she fight a group of supernatural beings?
The moment the bamboo raft protruded from the encirclement, He Zi leapt, desperately jumping towards Lu Nanqi.

The weight of the body pressed the tail of the bamboo raft, and the other end was raised high.

The supernatural plant was broken by this force, and the bamboo raft stopped for a while.

Lu Nanqi swayed a few times, and with the bow in his hand resting on the bamboo raft, he managed to stand still.

Not only was she injured on her shoulder, she was shot back by the ice system before, but now the ice inside has gradually melted, and the blood is bleeding profusely.

The mourning plant is particularly sensitive to blood energy, and has long been able to find the smell on her side. It was because of the mutated plant that was pulling her bamboo raft that the mourning plant could not find her real location for a while.

This is great, the moment the bamboo raft stopped, the surrounding funeral plants also rose through the air.

The woman discovered Lu Nanqi's intentions, and immediately shouted, "Go, stop those people and tie them up!"

With these people as her weakness, she didn't believe that Lu Nanqi would not surrender!

The group of people who came behind heard the instructions, and the boat didn't stop, and immediately chased in Lu Li's direction.

But unexpectedly, behind that group of people, there was another group of people chasing after them.

Two yachts were chasing the group.

Soon, the yacht stopped behind the woman, and before it stopped completely, someone on board jumped off, onto the woman's boat, and punched her directly.

The lights of the yacht illuminate the surroundings, so that everyone can clearly see who is coming.

Seeing Huo Ping who was fighting with the woman, Lu Nanqi couldn't help but relax.

At least, it wasn't her enemy who came.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

What's more, it's still Huo Ping, he will definitely help her out of all difficulties.

"Huo Ping, what kind of a man is a big man for beating me and a woman!" The woman laughed at him as she dealt with him.

"Hu Yihan, you killed my father!" Huo Ping's voice was filled with hatred, nothing else could be heard.

"That's because your father's skills are not as good as others, so you lost to me. How can you blame me." The woman called Hu Yihan laughed softly, and she didn't show a half-dead indebtedness from the beginning to the end.

Huo Ping shouted angrily, "At least I know that if it was Xi Lingzhi, he would definitely not kill my father!"

Lu Nanqi was also secretly shocked.

Hu Yihan killed Huo Zhonglin?

What do you mean, Huo Zhonglin is dead?
"Maybe it's Xi Lingzhi who wants to kill your father?" Hu Yihan laughed unabated, his figure dodged lightly, and jumped onto another boat.

Instead of fighting Huo Ping, she suddenly turned around to deal with Lu Nanqi.

Without the help of mutated plants, Lu Nanqi was hit directly in the chest by a green vine that she suddenly sacrificed.

Her arm hurt, and she let out all her strength, and the bow and arrow in her hand fell into the water.

Hu Yihan took the opportunity to sacrifice the green vine to her for the second time.

From Huo Ping's side, the fire-type power spewed out, and a big fire burned Hu Yihan's body.

Hu Yihan was caught off guard and was burned, so he hastily withdrew his attack on Lu Nanqi, and turned to release the water ability on himself to extinguish the fire on his body.

Huo Ping took the opportunity to jump on her boat and onto Lu Nanqi's bamboo raft, "I saw the fight here from a distance, and wondered if it could be you, but I didn't expect it to be."

Lu Nanqi looked up and saw that his eyes were scarlet, as if stained with blood.

I knew why he appeared here, so I didn't ask much.

(End of this chapter)

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