Chapter 578

"No! No!" Lu Nanqi's emotions broke out completely, because he was blocked by the people around him, he couldn't jump down with him, and his thin body knelt by the bamboo raft, screaming excitedly.

Huo Ping and Wu Feng hugged her tightly on the left and right, He Zi held her shoulders behind her, and the three of them worked together to hold her firmly.

Everyone could clearly see that the moment Lu Li jumped, the vines immediately entangled him, dragging him into the water extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, they couldn't see clearly whether it was a mutant vine or a mourning plant.

But I'm afraid, it's all bad luck.

If Lu Nanqi still jumped at this time, he would definitely end up in the same fate as Lu Li.

The plants in the water were completely awakened. Of those who fell into the water, which one came up alive?
Hu Yihan's subordinates also had Tan Jiatong and Liu Zongmin on Lu Nanqi's side.

Not all died in the cruel mouth of the mourning plant.

They had all been eaten flesh, leaving only a pile of bones.

How could they let Lu Nanqi into the water even though they knew it was death.

Seeing Lu Li's figure disappear into the water, Lu Nanqi became bald and slumped on the bamboo raft, neither arguing nor arguing, his eyes just staring blankly at the water surface, as if there was something wrong there. The most attractive thing in the world made her reluctant to even blink her eyelids.

Seeing her calm down, the three men beside her breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then slowly let go of her hand.

Huo Ping immediately stood up and shouted at the crew on his ship, "Everyone, act!"

No matter how many people Hu Yihan has, he has been fighting with Lu Nanqi here for a long time, and the previous human abilities must be used up soon, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The only thing left to deal with is those subordinates who were chased by them, as well as Hu Yihan.

The subordinates who came with Huo Ping had joined the battle as early as the moment the boat stopped.

With the arrival of successive crowds, the dead plants and mutated plants that were farther underwater were also completely awakened.

Several large groups of people gathered on the same water surface, and some of them had bloody wounds in the shadow of swords and swords.

Plus those who died underwater.

The surrounding area at this time can be said to be full of blood.

More and more dead plants and mutated plants are swimming under the water from farther away.

So they not only had to deal with Hu Yihan's men, but also deal with the countless underwater monsters.

As for Hu Yihan's situation, it didn't get much better for a while.

Lu Li's suicide left her without the best tool to threaten Lu Nanqi.

The moment they jumped back to their own boat, they were also surrounded by underwater monsters, and had no time to deal with Lu Nanqi.

Lu Nanqi was still kneeling and sitting on the bamboo raft, his whole mood was terribly depressed, and his face was ashen.

The men around her have been dealing with dead animals that could kill someone at any time.

Huo Ping's fire was so fierce that the burned plants no longer dared to approach him.

When there was a gap, he squatted back to Lu Nanqi again, trying to pull her up from the bamboo raft, "Go, go to my boat for shelter!"

She stayed here, exposed to the eyes of the enemy, and he couldn't fight with peace of mind.

In her current state, not to mention Hu Yihan personally dealing with her, even any of Hu Yihan's subordinates can hold her life.

(End of this chapter)

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