Chapter 580 Dominate the world!

Even the messages she got from Tan Jiatong's mind, and the pictures she conveyed to her, were Lu Nanqi's very heroic side.

She didn't dare to be careless, the name Lu Nanqi alone was already a huge threat to her.

In fact, she had already got the news that Lu Nanqi would come here from Tan Jiatong's memory, and then she ordered people to come and lurk around.

Then, at the moment when Lu Nanqi's defense was weakest, they launched a surprise attack on them.

Just in case, she even sent many people over, wave after wave, in order to solve the trouble at once.

Lu Nanqi shot and killed several of her subordinates with just a bow without any supernatural powers.

She witnessed Lu Nanqi's strength with her own eyes, a tiny vine could pass through her vine core.

It is conceivable that if Lu Nanqi still has more supernatural powers stored in his body, their positions may be switched at this time.

But at this moment, Lu Nanqi's killing intent burst out from her body, which shocked her even more.

The killing stored in Lu Nanqi's eyes is floating out with the flow of time.

So, she chose to strike first.

Determined to kill Lu Nanqi before she exploded completely.

Then, while taking advantage of Huo Ping's panic, he also killed him in one fell swoop.

In this way, all dangers are eliminated.

In the entire city, there was nothing that could threaten her anymore.

It will be a matter of time before she dominates this city, and then the world!

Thinking of everything in the future, Hu Yihan couldn't help laughing smugly, looking at the group of people around who were still desperately fighting the underwater monsters, there was a hidden and uncontrollable sarcasm in his eyes.

This is the difference between people, she can stand here safe and sound without moving a single finger.

As for them, no matter how hard they struggled, they were finally sacrificed by the monster and became stepping stones to protect her.

A king is a king, born to dominate the world!


The arrow shot straight at Lu Nanqi's face while Hu Yihan was laughing wildly like a madman.

Beside Lu Nanqi, although Huo Ping, Wu Feng, and He Zi were standing relatively close, they were all caught by the funeral plant, and they couldn't separate to save her.

People who are further away, let alone try to help her, it is too late.

"Qiqi, get out of the way!" Huo Ping watched the arrow getting closer and closer to Lu Nanqi, his expression changed drastically.

Lu Nanqi didn't seem to hear it, his eyes were fixed on the arrow that was shot at him, he didn't understand and didn't avoid it, like a fool.

Even Wu Feng couldn't stand shouting, "You crazy woman, hurry up and get out of here!"

Was she stimulated and prepared to commit suicide?

It's hard to imagine how a woman like her would do such a cowardly thing!

It's nothing like her!
The arrow was close at hand, Huo Ping panicked, two balls of fire slammed at the mourning plant wrapped around him, and then jumped up and threw at Lu Nanqi. It was about to hit Lu Nanqi's arrow.

He tried to use the power of the fireball to reverse the direction of the arrow.

While the wind was running like lightning, a hand was suddenly raised, grabbing the shooting arrow with his bare hands.

That thin and small hand, under the light of only the lights and flashlights on the ship, exudes a leisurely green light.

The green light gradually spread outwards in her hands, and as her anger value soared, it instantly spread out like a laser beam, covering her whole body in the green.

(End of this chapter)

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