Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 585 The ending has been decided

Chapter 585 The ending has been decided
The revenge was over, and Hu Yihan was dealt with by her.

The ending is a foregone conclusion.

Although the process was embarrassing, they still won!

Hu Yihan not only lost in a mess, he even lost his life in this battle.

But is this the end of the matter?


Where did it come from so simple, it's over when it's over!

Not only did Lu Nanqi not stop, but he released the energy gathered in his palm more thoroughly.

She wanted all those who harmed her and Lu Li to be completely buried in this night!
Become a pile of bones forever, buried in the depths of this damp and dark water!

In the eyes of everyone, she suddenly clenched her fists, all the energy was concentrated in her fists, and with a decisive and resolute posture, she punched the bamboo raft on her feet.

In an instant, the energy rioted again.

The surface of the water, which was gradually calmed just now because there were no dead plants to disturb it, suddenly surged with wind and clouds, as if entering the sea, and it became a stormy sea!
The boats on the water swelled and fluttered.

Wherever the energy reaches, the ship must capsize.

Hu Yihan's subordinates only had a chance to howl and scream, and after a while, even the scream disappeared, and the water was completely silent.

The mourning plants underwater were completely motionless because of the energy she erupted.

During her two energy bursts, the originally blocked river channel was forced out of the way.

The river is dredged, the water is flowing down, and the speed is rapid!

The boats staying on the water rushed down rapidly with the momentum of the downstream water.

Lu Nanqi's bamboo raft was light, and when the water rushed, he was swept away a long way.

Hu Yihan's surviving subordinates were sucked into the water one after another in the current, and rushed out of a long distance in a blink of an eye.

Some bumped into her bamboo raft, pulled her bamboo raft and begged for mercy and died.

Without batting an eye, Lu Nan raised his foot and kicked him into the water.

With a thought, call the mutated plants at the bottom of the water!
On the turbulent water surface, many mutated vines roared out, entangled their boats.

The impact of the rapids was too great, and the mutated vines appeared fragile, and many of them were broken in the current.

Seeing the danger.

But the mutated vine seemed to be desperate, even if the vine was broken, it would immediately come back.

More and more vines entangled their boat, until the boat was covered with green vines, until the boat was completely stable on the water surface, and the mutated vines that surged up were quiet.

With the dredging of the river, the originally high water level also dropped rapidly.

After a while of turbulence, the water level slowly and gradually became stable as the water level dropped.

Those who were lucky enough to stay on the boat and bamboo raft and not be washed away, all of them slumped on the spot with limp hands and feet when all the danger subsided completely.

On Lu Nanqi's side, he was also slumped on the bamboo raft.

The energy on her body disappeared as her body fell.

The night, which was originally as bright as day, fell into darkness again in an instant.

No fights, no dead plants, no danger.

All that remained were the exhausted and embarrassed bodies, sitting each other, with only tiny breaths left.

And, the sound of running water in the nearby river, the sound of splashing.

It gives people an illusion, as if they are in the mountains, setting up tents one by one, and living a leisurely life of camping.

At night, lie next to the campfire one by one, enjoying the beauty of the night sky.

It's just that there are no stars overhead, no beautiful scenery, no moonlight, and no night to look forward to.

Yes, there is still the non-stop snow in the sky, the feeling of freezing on the body, and the pain of the wound.

It is always reminding them that the battle with their lives hanging by a thread has just ended.

(End of this chapter)

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