Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 600 When Heroes Are Tired

Chapter 600 When Heroes Are Tired

Those who lived with Lu Nanqi had never seen her emotionally collapsed like this.

In their impression, she will always be tall, strong, and fearless, and she will always move forward bravely when facing anything.

More often, they will even ignore that she is just a woman.

Then habitually, let her play forward, and follow her command and instructions in everything.

Even choose to rely on her.

Although they were far away, they could still hear Lu Nanqi's suppressed cry lying in Huo Ping's arms.

It seemed that she suddenly realized that she was just a woman, a 20-year-old girl.

But they have habitually handed everything over to her, leaving all difficulties to her to solve.

Every hero gets tired.

What's more, she is a girl who should have stayed in the university classroom and studied hard.

Now, because of the coming of the end times, he has to strengthen himself.

She's human, and she gets tired!
Although such Lu Nanqi made them strange for a while, but more, it also made them aware of their own problems.

They rely on her, but who will she rely on?

Everything she has can only be solved by herself.

Under such circumstances, they always have many requirements and ideas for her.

The more I think about it, the more I realize how selfish they were in the past.

For a while, everyone was silent.

Hearing her orders, he immediately followed them without any hesitation.

The water level had dropped, and it was impossible to go back on bamboo rafts. A group of people worked together, and Zhang Ruihuai put all the bamboo rafts into the space. The weather was cold, and he distributed a set of clothes to the wet group of people.

The rest of the people collected the nearby corpses that had been sucked by the dead plants, and lined them up neatly, waiting for Lu Nanqi's next words.

Lu Nanqi walked over and inspected the bones one by one.

The flesh and blood on some of the bones had already been eaten away by the dead plants.

There are also some, who have just been sucked dry of blood, and their eyes are staring dry, looking like they are dying.

And there are some who not only sucked blood but also ate flesh, their bodies were not eaten clean, bloody things were sucked one by one and hung on their bodies, looking horrible and disgusting.

"Come here and bring Uncle Liu and Wu Wenbin back," she said.

Liu Zongming's body is more recognizable. An ordinary person has just been sucked blood, and the skin is still in good condition. Even the clothes on his body are intact.

It's just that Wu Wenbin's body is not so recognizable.

He is a mutant, and compared with ordinary people, the body of a mutant is more attractive.

The mourning plants not only sucked his blood dry, but also ate his flesh.

Probably because he didn't have time to suck him up, and there was still some meat left on his body.

Lu Nanqi could only recognize him through the fragments of clothes left on his body.

Thinking of the scene where he shielded himself, but she couldn't even save his body, her heart sank again.

Amongst the pile of corpses, there was a woman's body, which was totally different, but still recognizable, it was Hu Yihan's attire before his death.

Lu Nanqi walked around among the corpses, then stopped in front of Hu Yihan, inspected the circle, stripped off all the clothes on Hu Yihan's body, and then groped on the corpse.

The people around were stunned for a moment, not knowing what she wanted to do.

Amid their doubts, Lu Nanqi raised his knife and stabbed it fiercely into Hu Han's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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