Chapter 602
Lu Nanqi didn't speak.

The water was actually taken out by her from the hot spring.

In this battle, everyone suffered heavy injuries.

The water in the hot springs, the therapeutic effect is even more remarkable.

Because there is only one hot spring, and there is not much water, she is worried that it will gradually run out, so every time the water is taken out, it is from the river.

But it shouldn't matter if you take it out once or twice.

Wu Feng drank a bottle and sighed contentedly, "My whole body is warmed up. There is nothing happier than being able to drink something hot at this time."

The people around are touched for a moment.

Those who had no intention of drinking the water at first unscrewed the caps of the bottles one after another, and drank in one breath.

In the snowy winter with minus ten degrees below zero, when I just recovered my life.

Not to mention a glass of warm water, just about anything else makes you feel happy, right?
Because at least he was luckier than others, and this time, he still saved his life.

That water is indeed different.

After they drank it, they felt the mystery.

Their bodies seemed to return to the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. It was obviously just a bottle of water, but it warmed them up all at once.

The stiff hands and feet are relieved at this moment, and it feels like being alive again.

"This water?" Some of them were surprised.

"Just drink it and drink it well. Where did you come from so much nonsense?" Wu Feng said, then turned his head and reached out to Lu Nanqi, "Is there any more? Give me two more bottles, I'm thirsty."

Lu Nanqi knew that he hadn't finished drinking the water he brought from her in the town.

He must have known that the water on her side is useful, so he repeatedly went to her to get it with the cheek.

It was her own business when she took it out, but it was another matter if he came to beg for it.

What's more, if she is too generous, people who don't know will think that her resources are abundant, and they will get used to it in the future and reach out to ask for it at any time like him, then wouldn't she be causing trouble for herself?

Therefore, she patted his hand away without hesitation, "One bottle is just for one person, you already took one more, isn't it enough?"

"Who would think too much of such a good thing?" Wu Feng chuckled.

Lu Nanqi bypassed him, "It's gone."

Wu Feng whispered behind him, "Why don't you be so stingy."

However, the figure did not catch up.

He also wanted to tease her.

It's nice of her to be heroic at ordinary times, but this kind of low breath is really not suitable for her.

He still prefers to stay with Lu Nanqi who seems indifferent, resolute, and decisive, but actually values ​​love and righteousness.

Instead of the current Lu Nanqi who was blaming himself for sacrificing his friends.

In the past, she lived a more chic life.

He just thought, maybe let her divert her attention, so that her mood should be better.

But now it seems that the transfer failed.

She doesn't care about him at all.

Wu Feng thought in frustration, pinned the extra bottle of water to his waist, and went to hug Wu Wenbin's body.

"Let's go, go home!"

Huo Ping was beside Lu Nanqi and grabbed her, "You really don't plan to go back to the base with me?"

All dangers have been lifted, and no one will embarrass her anymore.

Didn't she choose to leave the base for safety?

Now that her most troublesome thing has been solved, why doesn't she plan to go back?
Would living in the base be more comfortable than living outside?

She said that the small village, several villages around here, were more or less submerged by water.

(End of this chapter)

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