Chapter 604 Ask Your People

Huo Ping said: "This is not what she expected, and even if she did stay, she would not be really happy."

"Did you just miss it like this?" Du Bing asked again.

Huo Ping smiled slightly, "She said that when life returns to the past, she will come to me."


It's easier said than done with two words.

But who knows, Huo Ping buried her words deeply in his heart, so that in the days to come, all the desperate efforts were just for peace.

In order to realize what she once said.

When life returns to the past, I will definitely find you!

Peace is their wish for each other.

It is the hope of those who are still alive.

And starting today, there is one more expectation in his heart.

Waiting for the day when she will come back to him again.


Lu Nanqi took her people back to the village.

From a distance, you can see a group of people standing at the entrance of the village, looking forward with their heads up.

Seeing them finally come back, a group of people rushed out immediately.

They didn't return all night, and the people in the village were worried. Before dawn, they set off collectively to guard the entrance of the village. Seeing the falling water level, they wanted to keep going, but they were worried that going out would be dangerous, so they stopped. here.

Seeing that Lu Nanqi and his group returned safely, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

People are back, but there is no smile on the faces of a group of people.

And one by one, their bodies were either scarred or embarrassed.

Ming Shu rushed forward, seeing that Lu Nanqi and Lu Li were safe in the team, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The villagers followed her, and one by one, they probed out and asked, "What's the matter, is it because the river has not been dredged successfully?"


It was Zhang Mingyue who answered them.

It was just her voice, dull and cold.

Following her voice, Wu Feng and other people came forward with the dead Wu Wenbin and Liu Zongmin.

Meng Lun carried Chen Xiaochen, who was still in a coma, on his back.

One by one, they lined up beside Lu Nanqi.

"They..." The villagers were startled and speechless.

Looking at Wu Wenbin's mutilated body, he felt chills all over his body, nauseated, and wanted to vomit.

What happened to make them die like that?
"From today onwards, no one is allowed to leave the village without special orders or orders." Lu Nanqi glanced at the villagers and ordered.

"Why?" Someone had an opinion.

In this village, the person who can talk is Zhang Mingyue.

When did it become her?

Moreover, when making a decision, should you at least say the reason?
There are no words, just an order, who is willing to obey?
Although they were grateful to her for her presence last time, Zhang Mingyue and her brother.

But is it necessary to have some basic respect for people?
"Ask your people." Lu Nan said seven times, and went straight past the crowd to her residence.

Zhang Mingyue later had no objection this time, nor did she explain it carefully to the villagers, she simply said: "Everyone, listen to her, let me find out that they are disobedient, and throw them all out of the village."

They were also unhappy with Lu Nanqi's indifferent attitude.

How dare you really make any resistance.

Unless it is to die.

Hearing Zhang Mingyue say this, everyone immediately quieted down, not daring to raise any objections.

After the bodies of Wu Wenbin and Liu Zongmin were brought back, they were placed in an unoccupied house.

Without orders, they didn't know what to do with the two bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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