Chapter 712 I Have Acidity

The arrow feathers were fired, and in an instant, the zombies around Yu Hui fell down.

All the people pulled the zombie's body upstairs at the same time, and a large space was immediately vacated around him.

In addition to being a gold-type supernatural being, he is quite agile.

When the open space appeared, he immediately jumped onto the ladder built by Shi Wanwan, and climbed back to the rooftop smoothly.

Before he could stand still, Shi Wanwan had already jumped on him recklessly, and hugged him tightly, "You fool, you can shoot them to death with arrows, why do you want to jump down to die? This big fool!"

She scolded him while beating his body.

Yu Hui, who was stupefied by her hug at first, only realized after she beat him several times, and grabbed her hands at once, "Don't hit him, your hands will hurt."

He is a metal type, his body is as hard as a rock, and he will not feel pain.

But she is different.

When she came to beat him, it was like hitting an egg against a rock, and she was beyond her capabilities.

She doesn't care if it hurts or not, but he can't bear it.

When he said this, Shi Wanwan beat him even more fiercely, "You are really a fool! At this time, is it the key whether my hand hurts or not?"

The point is that he might die at any time just now!

The point is that she may never get his protection again in the future!

Yu Hui held her hand firmly, no matter how Shi Wanwan tried to break free, he would not let go, "In my heart, everything about you is my heaven."

Shi Wanwan secretly rolled her eyes.

The people watching the theater around trembled all over, and felt goosebumps all over the floor.

I used to watch Lu Nanqi and Huo Pingxiu love each other every day, for them who are still single.

It's already been a blow and I can't stand it.

It wasn't enough to stimulate them with a pair every day, and now there is another pair.

Thinking about the days to come, I just feel that I have to be forcibly fed dog food every day.

Single dogs, they just want to dig their own eyes, seeing is pure.

"You big fool." Shi Wanwan burst into tears and hugged him again.

Yu Hui pushed her away, "Don't, I'm dirty..."

Without saying a word, Shi Wanwan cupped his face and kissed his lips.

After a while, I slowly let go, looking at him with gentle eyes, "I don't care if you are dirty or not, I like it, I can do whatever I want!"

Her words are all overbearing.

Yu Hui looked at her for a long time, then suddenly grinned brightly, then hugged Shi Wanwan, and happily turned around on the spot a few times.

"You said, have you taken a fancy to me?" There was some uncertainty in his words.

Everyone: "..."

Lu Nanqi: "..."

How miserable is it to be rejected by Shi Wanwan?

Even when she said it herself, she still didn't believe it.

Poor, poor.


Huo Ping stood beside Lu Nanqi, and silently put a hand on her shoulder, "Are you envious?"


Lu Nanqi gave him a weird look, "Who is envious of whom?"

Is she envious of Shi Wanwan, or is he envious of Yu Hui?
Huo Ping looked at the two of them, and said with emotion, "I'm envious, his woman confessed to him."

Lu Nanqi gave him a disgusted look, "Small belly."

But hasn't she confessed to him?

It seems... as if... there should have been...

Well, she really didn't have that impression at all.

Huo Ping had a cheeky face, "Your man is quite petite, so I really mind now, what do you think should I do?"

Lu Nanqi picked out his ears, "What did you say?"

"I mind."

Lu Nanqi continued to pretend to be deaf and dumb, "What did you say?"

"I have an acid stomach."

Lu Nanqi: "Are you pregnant?"

Huo Ping: "..."

Secretly spat out a handful of blood.

His woman... His woman gave him twists and turns again!
(End of this chapter)

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