Chapter 717
When it comes to those monsters with birds and beasts, she asked herself, whether it was in her previous life or this life, she had never seen any monsters with very strong power.

It's just that after this period of changes, she can't really be sure whether this powerful monster really exists.

After all, many things have deviated from everything she knows, and have not always developed according to the experience of her previous life.

Seeing her silent for a long time, Tan Lei looked at her worriedly, "Tell me, what should we do now?"

Should I say it or not?

The stakes were so high that he simply couldn't make the decision.

If he didn't say it, if something happened to the base, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

But if he said it, he was afraid that Huo Ping would insist on taking the risk to go back.

Lu Nanqi said in a deep voice: "Since this matter is related to your base, and Huo Ping is one of your people, he has the right to know everything."

"But, you have to be clear, if he finds out about this, he will definitely find a way to get back to the base. You have also seen the situation in front of us. If we force our way out, it will be a dead end." Tan Lei frowned .

He never expected that Lu Nanqi's answer would be this.

She was with Huo Ping, and anyone else would have selfish intentions to keep the person she liked by her side.

She said such things when she knew it was dangerous.

What was she thinking?

Lu Nanqi looked at him with firm eyes: "I only know that if you keep this matter from him, after he finds out, he will only suffer for the rest of his life."

"He may regret it for the rest of his life, but do you want to watch him die?"

"I will not watch him die, but I will not choose to let my man live forever. I would rather fail in a bloody battle than be safe and sound." Lu Nanqi smiled slightly, with brilliance in his eyes, "I think, Hopin will be happy with my decision."

Tan Lei was ashamed of being told.

As a soldier, he is worse than a woman.

The first thing that came to my mind was to shrink back.

Shocked in his heart, he stood up from the sofa with a firm face: "Okay, I'll tell him right away!"

Lu Nanqi suddenly looked behind him.

Tan Lei turned around, and saw Huo Ping's tall and straight figure standing at the stairs.

I don't know how long Huo Ping has been standing here, but judging by his appearance, he should already know about the affairs of the base.

"I..." Tan Lei lowered his head guiltily, not knowing how to face Huo Ping.

"I know your intentions." Huo Ping walked towards him slowly, with no sign of anger on his face, "But, I hope this is the first and last time for this kind of thing."

Tan Lei lowered his head even lower, "Don't worry, it will never happen again."

It was because he had blinded his mind for a while, that's why he had this idea.

Lu Nanqi's simple words had already woken him up.

How could he continue to be so stupid.

"Okay, don't do this, I know you are worried about my safety." Huo Ping patted him on the shoulder, "Don't think about anything else, the most important thing now is to think of a way to return to the base, you first Send a message to Wei Yuan and the others, let them stand up first, we try to rush back here, and remind them not to spread the personnel too widely, no matter what you do, you must ensure that the personnel are more than ten people, do not attack hard , try to defend..."

Tan Lei took the walkie-talkie and went down.

Huo Ping walked up to Lu Nanqi and stood in front of her for a while, then suddenly bent down and held her hand tightly: "Thank you."

The person who understands him best is her.

(End of this chapter)

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