Chapter 720 Burning the Village
The crystal nucleus was given to Huo Ping, and Huo Ping returned to the base. During the whole process, the monster behind this conspiracy would definitely be alarmed.

She dared to say that the purpose of these zombies was to trap them before, but she really didn't dare to be so sure.

Having offended the monster behind the plot, it must soon exact its vengeance on them.

What they have to do now is no longer to collect alone, but to attack.

And the zombie tide downstairs must be attacked without the monster being aware of it.

Soon Lu Nanqi made a serious consideration, "Burn the village."

This means, they will be homeless.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and I can't make up my mind for a while.

Because it's not just a homeless problem, they also face the possibility that they will also be burned to death in the village.

Zhang Mingyue gritted her teeth and made up her mind, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Zhang Ruihuai immediately said: "But, how do you do this? If you want to burn the village, why not use the method you used to deal with Yan Wanghu before, and deploy chemical ammunition to blow up all these zombies?"

Lu Nanqi said: "This is a wave of zombies. There are countless zombies. How many chemical ammunition do you have?"

"Furthermore, while using ammunition, your village will also be bombed, and these are low-level zombies. It's a pity to use those things."

"Burning it with fire is the most worry-free way without cost or effort."

Wu Shan was worried, "But the village burned down, where will we live in the future?"

Lu Nanqi said: "If you are willing to follow me, follow me. If you don't want to follow me, you can enter the base. I think Huo Ping and the others will settle everything for you."

Wu Feng was curious, "Where are you going?"

Lu Nanqi said, "Let's solve the immediate problem first, and discuss the rest later when we have time."

Wu Feng still said, "You don't plan to stay at the base, after you leave, do you plan to come back?"

Lu Nanqi has already talked about the next important matter, "First of all, we still have to dig out the crystal nucleus and come back. At that time, the sponge will control the situation and let everyone retreat to the back mountain safely. After everything was over, everyone gathered under the old tree in the back mountain."

"You also said that this zombie wave is controlled by a powerful monster behind it. If this is the case, won't the other party wake up after we set fire to it? After we wake up, how can we go smoothly?" burn the zombies?" Zhang Rui asked suspiciously.

"Let's not talk about the strength of the monster, but what is certain is that its spiritual power must be very high." Lu Nanqi said: "Although we can't do anything about it, don't forget that there are also monsters around us." A psychic can't fight monsters face to face, but it's still possible for the sponge to control this small village."

Her mutated plant partners who suddenly disappeared must have been suppressed by the monster's spirit, so they lost contact with her.

As long as Liao Sponge activates her ability, the connection between her and them will be restored.

The plan is solidified.

Take the lead in excavating enough crystal nuclei for Liao Sponge to use. At that time, Liao Sponge will control the whole situation and make a way to the back mountain.

After they were all settled down, Lu Nanqi, Zhang Mingyue, Meng Lun, Hezi, and Wu Feng, the five of them divided into five points, returned to the village, and lit the fire at the designated spot.

(End of this chapter)

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