Chapter 723 Association
After her work is done, Shi Wanwan will let her order.

Shi Wanwan's strength is still good, but Lu Nanqi wants more than that.

What she valued was Yu Hui who was beside Shi Wanwan.

There is something related to her in these two people.

Just like Huo Ping, when the totem on her body is glowing and glowing, he can sense it with her.

And she can also perceive them.

Previously there was only Huo Ping, but later Wu Shan was added.

Since the appearance of these two people, she has been able to perceive them continuously.

Huo Ping is fire, Wushan is water, Shi Wanwan is wood, and Yu Hui is gold.

And she is also wood.

It overlaps with Shi Wanwan.

She doesn't know what the connection is, but there must be a connection.

As for what it is, she will definitely find a way to figure it out!
So these two people, although they can't guarantee that they are 100% safe for the time being, she must also take the risk of keeping them.

The rest did not agree with her approach, and even clearly opposed it.

Especially Lu Li, "Sister, think about it clearly. They wanted to do something to us from the very beginning, releasing Shi Wanwan and Yu Hui. Everyone just said nothing. How could you release those people together?"

This simply exposes them to danger.

"You guys, are you still worried?" Lu Nanqi wasn't worried about what kind of noise the group of guys would make, "You should worry most, isn't it Yu Hui and Shi Wanwan? personal?"

To put it bluntly, the group of young people didn't listen to the words of the two of them.

So as long as these two people are closely watched, what kind of big storms can the little characters in the back cause?
Furthermore, there are mutant plants on her side.

And in this dangerous situation, if they really dared to kill people, without Liao Sponge's spirit, they would be surrounded by zombies immediately.

Shi Wanwan is not the kind of fool who doesn't care about the situation.

On this point, Lu Nanqi is still sure.

Otherwise, she would not easily agree to Shi Wanwan's request.

Almost no one can refute the decision she made.

After the crowd was settled, Lu Nanqi and the five people quickly dispersed and rushed to the places they had set in advance.

Each has a barrel of gasoline in his hand.

Looking from a distance, five small figures are running wildly in the tide of zombies, firm and resolute.

Standing on the old trees in the back mountain, they can also be vaguely seen.

But soon, nothing can be seen.

The village was surrounded by mutated plants, and while the zombies were trapped in it, the five of them were also trapped in it.

The five figures shuttled flexibly and quickly arrived at their respective locations.

On the roof, five figures surrounded the house and poured gasoline under the house.

Lu Nanqi waved a red flag a few times, and the other four people received the reminder, quickly lit their lighters, and threw them down together.

In an instant, the flames rushed upwards, and the zombies below screamed and roared. During the struggle, the flames burned out one after another, and soon became one after another.

The fire was so powerful that it quickly ignited the house.

The other four figures quickly returned to the back mountain.

Under the protection of Liao Sponge's mental abilities, he arrived safely.

Lu Li stood under the old tree eagerly watching. Every time he looked at it with surprise, he was always disappointed.

Not my own sister back.

Logically, she couldn't be the last one to come back.

There must be something wrong with this.

(End of this chapter)

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