Chapter 728 The Right to Fight

Facing Huo Ping's eyes, a group of people chose to remain silent.

As soon as he left, something happened to Lu Nanqi, which made them even more useless. Otherwise, with Lu Nanqi's skills, even if he walked to the ends of the earth, he would not be hurt at all, let alone his life and death are unknown like now.

After quietly staring at the group of people for a long time, Huo Ping said in a deep voice, "Qiqi entrusted me with this before I went back. One day, if she... must protect you all."

Everyone bowed their heads and became more and more silent.

She really worried about everything, and even told Huo Ping about their life and death.

From the beginning of this trip to burn the village, she knew that she would die here, so before the incident happened, she settled everything so that she could leave without any worries.

She is always so decisive in doing things, she never considers anyone's feelings, she always does things so casually, she does whatever comes to her mind, and always decides everything for others selfishly...

Someone was crying.

Why did she do this, why.
They also have the right to choose to fight!
Although Lu Nanqi was in the space, he had always been aware of their existence, and never lost sight of his every move.

It was both helpless and funny to see their depressed mood.

He actually regarded her as a hero, but regarded her highly.

All it takes is to make the monster behind the plot think she's dead.

It is easy to deal with when the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark.

To make the monster believe that she is dead, they naturally need their age of sorrow.

It's just that they were so negative, which surprised her.

When I was here, I always liked to fight against her, and I only know how to cherish it when I can't wait.

Look at these little cuties, why does she want to laugh.

A group of people were picked up by Huo Ping.

The little goblin lingered among the hills, unwilling to set off, and ran around the village several times without giving up, looking at the gray carbon everywhere, feeling the village without Lu Nanqi's breath, and finally drove Huo Ping away in frustration.

Huo Ping brought the goblins out to pick him up because of a temporary uprising, and his purpose was also to find Lu Nanqi in person.

The result was disappointing. Thinking of the tens of thousands of people at the base, they had to choose to return.

Without the help of the goblins, it would be difficult for the base to deal with all kinds of monsters immediately.

After Huo Ping and the others left, the giant eagle and the mourning plant immediately launched a fierce attack on them.

Although the zombies were greatly injured by their killing and suffered countless casualties, they were no longer dangerous to them, but they could still cause disturbance to them. In the case of tight personnel, several teams had to be sent to clean up the zombies.

When Huo Ping led them back to the base, the surviving zombies gathered at the entrances of several passages.

Not thousands, at least a few hundred.

Escorted by tall goblins, two military pickups, together with Huo Ping and the people in the base, went back to the base smoothly.

Seeing that they had arrived safely, the crowd was still not happy. A few giant eagles flapped their huge wings in the sky, swooped down, grabbed the two figures, and then soared into the sky.

When they raised their heads, the two of them were already torn into pieces in the air.

Bright red blood fell from the sky and drenched their bodies with heat.

The expressions of the crowd changed drastically.

Huo Ping shouted: "Run to the base, hurry up!"

A group of people who were still stunned and stunned ran towards the place where there were houses as if they had just woken up from a dream.

The giant eagle tasted the sweetness, and soon, more giant eagles swooped down from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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