Chapter 730 Stupid Humans

Huo Ping shook his head slowly.

Tan Lei's face changed drastically, "The monsters are approaching, you have no countermeasures, how can you still stand here leisurely?"

"Otherwise, what do you want me to do? Go out and fight with them?" Huo Ping actually smiled, "The real master hasn't come out yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Tan Lei was stunned, "What master? If we don't try to stop it, we may die with so many people. You can still laugh at this time."

"Aren't you going to cry if you don't laugh? The head on the neck is still hanging on the body, even if it's not dead, since it's not dead, why worry?" Huo Ping said calmly.

Tan Lei looked at him like he was looking at a madman.

No, Huo Ping at this time is indeed a lunatic. Because of Lu Nanqi's sacrifice, he is also insane, and he doesn't want to live anymore!

Tan Lei grabbed his collar fiercely, "Be sober, although Seventh Sister is gone, but everyone is still there, are you going to abandon everyone like this irresponsibly and ignore it? Forget, what was the original intention of establishing this base, everyone hopes to have a home, the home that has been built with great difficulty, don't you want to throw it away!"

Huo Ping smiled coldly, with a miserable face, "Family? Apart from the few of us who are struggling, what are the other people doing? When encountering troubles, what do they only do! A group of people who will always choose to hide behind People, why do you want to come here? Home is only a home built by mutual sacrifices, and selfishness that only knows how to take benefits from others. What can you do with me?"

Tan Lei was shocked, "How can you say such a thing?"

"I just saw it through, did you see it, if Qiqi didn't worry about everyone, then at least she wouldn't die, and a selfish person would live in peace, but what about her, she still can't even find her bones. What's wrong with her? No, the one who dies first is not her who cares about righteousness everywhere!"

"But at least she saved so many people with her own life!" Tan Lei roared, but his eyes were also moved, and his heart ached.

That glamorous face was clearly engraved in her mind, but how could she say it was gone?

He didn't believe it either, but the facts were right in front of his eyes.

Huo Ping pushed him away, his voice was louder than his, "A group of selfish and cowardly people, what's the use of saving them, who are they who remember Qi Qi's kindness to avenge her, or will they continue to choose to live a life of mediocrity? Raise them After so long, do they know how to be grateful? Have they ever taken the initiative to go out and kill a zombie? Such a cowardly person, what's the use of them!"

He has never been so negative.

Countless people stood behind him, and they all lowered their heads in shame when they heard him sneer and roar.

Ask yourself, they are indeed a very useless group of people, and also a very selfish group of people.

Knowing that the base is safe and that there are people fighting outside, they all tacitly stay in the base and refuse to go out.

There are so many people in a base, even if two of them work together to kill a zombie, they can kill those zombies, but they chose to stay in the base and live peacefully.

Lu Nanqi died, and apart from their grief and regret, none of them took the initiative to stand up and say that they wanted to avenge her.

People's hearts are so cold.

Compared with my own life, other things are not so important.

"Isn't that the goal of our initial establishment of the base?" Tan Lei said with red eyes, looking at the group of people behind him, but his voice gradually dropped.

Yes, they have been fighting desperately, and they have always maintained the same original intention.

But in the end, what kind of people are the ones who are protected?

Are they really worthy of their desperate protection?

Looking back again, I only feel desolate in my heart.

When is this, why do you still care about others, can you still care about it for a lifetime?

A group of ungrateful white-eyed wolves, why the hell are they trying to protect such a person?

He sighed slightly, and actually said: "Forget it, you can do whatever you want. The big deal is just a dead word. I will still be a good man 18 years later, so what are you afraid of!"

Jia Baihang stepped forward anxiously, "It's hard to come this far, don't be discouraged, hasn't Seventh Sister's body been found yet, we still have hope, she always likes to come and go without a trace , if one day she comes back and sees that everyone is gone, what do you think she will think."

Tan Lei smiled coldly, "Even if everyone is dead, how can you think about it? Don't you look at how many monsters there are outside, can we deal with them with just a little of us?"

"No, there are us!" The group of people who were speechless by Huo Ping suddenly said.

"Yes, and us, we are willing to go out and fight together, and we will never regret it!"

"Yes, fight together, vow to die without regret!"


For a moment, their vibrating voices were everywhere.

Huo Ping squinted at them, yes, this trick seems to have some effect, but it is far from the effect he wanted, far from enough.

The monster outside the base was getting closer, but Huo Ping still just quietly stared out the window without saying a word.

The group of people became anxious, and some people left full of enthusiasm. Soon, more people gathered in the place where Huo Ping was huddled.

Many people couldn't get in, so they stayed in the corridor outside.

It was densely packed, and there were people everywhere at one time.

Jia Baihang looked at them, with hope in his eyes, and turned his head to comfort Huo Ping, "See, everyone is here, and they are all willing to participate in the battle. As long as you still have opportunities and hope, don't give up lightly. Although there are monsters outside There are many, but we also have a lot of people here, if we fight hard, we still have a chance, but if we give up, the whole army will be wiped out."

Huo Ping sighed deeply: "Qiqi is gone, no one knows how to deal with monsters anymore."

Wu Feng stood aside and stared at Huo Ping with a frown. He was firm in his heart that Huo Ping was definitely not the kind of person who would give up suddenly. He must have his reasons for doing so.

It's just that he couldn't see for a moment what his ultimate purpose was.

He secretly clenched the notebook Lu Nanqi handed to him with his fingers, not daring to take it to him easily.

There are many ways to deal with monsters recorded in it, those monsters he has seen, even monsters he has never seen, there are all kinds of methods.

But if Huo Ping didn't want this, wouldn't it be a bad thing if he handed over the notebook at this time?
After thinking about it, he still endured the doubts in his heart, and continued to observe quietly.

Jia Baihang was anxious, "Without Seventh Sister, we can figure out our own way. Why can't we do what she can do? As long as we have the heart, I think we will succeed!"

Seeing that, the animals outside had already surrounded the foot of the base.

Jia Baihang finally couldn't hold back any longer, he stepped forward and grabbed Huo Ping's collar, "Are you going to answer or not!"

Suddenly, there was a wild laugh from outside the base, and the crowd looked out one after another, and saw a person sitting on the giant eagle, arrogantly greeting the window on their side, "Humanity is about to become extinct, give up, stupid Humanity."

(End of this chapter)

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