Chapter 746

Lu Nanqi was so tired that he couldn't talk, so he could only be dragged away blindly.

Not to mention being despised by him for her ability, even she herself despises her current self. She is really no different from a waste. She has no ability, and her combat power is retreating. When encountering a wave of zombies, the only thing she can do is to run away.

The three of them crossed the streets and alleys, but stopped suddenly at a corner as they ran forward.

At the end of the street, another group of zombies wandered there.

Before they could react, they had already discovered their existence, like wolves who had discovered their prey, and rushed towards them desperately.

Seeing that they were flanked by front and back, and there were houses on the left and right sides, the three had no choice but to climb on the roof next to them.

Fortunately, it was a small truck. Although the zombies surrounded them, they couldn't catch them for a while.

Sweat dripped from Wang Qingming's brow in a hurry, "What should I do?"

Lu Nanqi looked around urgently.

In this case, the whole body is also anxiously cold, and if the time is delayed, the zombies will climb up if they are not in order.

You Ganchen, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly pointed to the next house and said, "Let's climb up and hide in that building first. There are too many zombies, so it's not suitable to leave. What we want to do, we can wait until tomorrow."

To get up to that building, you have to go through the roofs of three cars, jump to the ground and cross the two-meter-long ground, and then climb up along the water pipe outside the wall.

For them who are in battle every day, this is not difficult.

But the difficulty is that they have to climb up together within a certain period of time, because as long as one person moves, the zombies below will be aware of it, and if the time is not grasped properly, the people behind will definitely suffer.

The three of them looked at each other and said tacitly, "Let's go!"

Go in order, Lu Nanqi is the last one, it is a matter of life, Wang Qingming is in the front, jumping nimbly like a monkey, and soon reaches the ground, although You Qianchen is still holding a barrel of oil in his hand, maybe it is because of the zombies Their physiques are different, they don't feel tired, they are more flexible than Wang Qingming, and they have been following closely behind Wang Qingming.

The zombies that had been surrounding them also chased after them while they were jumping.

In the blink of an eye, the two men had already climbed up the water pipe, and their figures were faster than the monkeys on the mountain.

Lu Nanqi also jumped up, and halfway through the climb, his body suddenly fell, his hands clasped on the water pipe, and he slid down a little distance before he managed to stabilize himself.

Looking down, she saw a zombie buckling the strap of her backpack.

Wang Qingming and You Qianchen had already climbed into the window and looked out, they couldn't help being startled.

You Qianchen raised his voice, anxiously, "I lost my bag!"

The bag was full of food, and there was a lot left, so it would be a pity to lose it.

Lu Nanqiqiang gritted his teeth and refused to let go, and tried to climb up, but before he could climb a little higher, more weight came from below. Looking down, more zombies grabbed her straps, watching the scene , there is a possibility of grabbing her clothes.

The face of You Qianchen on the window was even more scorched, "You don't want to die, hurry up and throw away your bag!"

Lu Nanqi hung on the water pipe like an octopus, did not listen to You Qianchen's words, but continued to climb up by relying on his own strength.

"Crazy!" You Qianchen was in a state of exasperation, and climbed out of the window again, and went down the water pipe to Lu Nanqi, "Give me your hand!"

"Speaking of loyalty." Lu Nanqi smiled and reached out to him. At this moment, more zombies pulled out her straps, and her body slipped, but fell down a little.

You Ganchen was startled, and involuntarily slid down, clasped her hand tightly, and pulled it upwards violently.

Like a kitten, Lu Nanqi was easily lifted up, followed by two zombies below, until it reached a high place, the zombie's hand slipped down.

The two returned to the top without any risk.

Lu Nanqi was lying on the window, and for a moment he didn't even have the strength to go in.

"It deserves it!" You Ganchen snorted coldly, but in the end he still couldn't bear it, so he stretched out his hand and dragged her into the room.

Lu Nanqi's whole body was sore and weak, especially the hand that he grabbed just now was in great pain at this moment, and it seemed that he was pulling the zombie up so roughly that it was dislocated.

At this moment, being dragged in by You Qianchen like this is like a dead body, as soon as his feet hit the ground, his whole body went limp.

You Qianchen hooked her hand, and she slammed into his arms steadily.

Her arm hit his chest, and she gasped in pain.

Only then did You Qianchen see something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

"Hand, it hurts." Lu Nanqi sat on the ground, under the moonlight, thin beads of sweat stood on his forehead.

"Let me see." You Ganchen groped her arm with a big hand and said quickly, "It's dislocated."

"You, a zombie, didn't expect to understand this." Lu Nanqi had fun, "It's okay, just take it easy."

It's not that she hasn't been injured before, it's just that she suddenly lost her abilities and her body became weak. That's why it happened. After two days, I'll get used to it.

"I used to be a doctor!" You Qianchen emphasized, giving her a sideways glance, "Hold on, I'll fix it for you."

"Are you sure..." Lu Nanqi didn't believe it, but before he finished speaking, there was a sudden sharp pain in his shoulder, and before she could react and scream, his action was completed.

Wang Qingming watched from the side with a full face of admiration, "That's all right, God, are you studying Chinese medicine?"

You Qianchen proudly raised his eyebrows at Lu Nanqi, "I was born into a medical family, and generations of people have studied medicine. I studied Western medicine, and my father and grandfather are Chinese medicine practitioners, so I can also learn Chinese medicine at an early age."

Lu Nanqi was quite surprised, he couldn't tell that he was a doctor at all.

Thinking about the crying blood when I saw him for the first time, it is really difficult to connect with the position of doctor.

It's really a pity that such an outstanding talent turned into a zombie, but fortunately, he has a special mutation, as long as he is willing, that ability can still be well developed.

"Thank you, great doctor!" Lu Nanqi rolled his pain-free arm and smiled easily.

Sitting beside her, You Qianchen still hummed, "Next time, even if I watch you die, I will not choose to save you!"

Wang Qingming also wiped his sweat beside him, "You, it's too risky. It's just a little food. If we don't have it, we can just find it again. As for working so hard."

"It seems that you have never been hungry." Lu Nanqi sighed quietly, and put the backpack at his feet, "The feeling of not being able to fill your stomach for several months and almost starving to death, one day you will experience it , would not say such a thing.”

In my previous life, being hungry was a common occurrence. Because there was no space, I had to bear the taste of being hungry forever. Sometimes I didn’t get food for many days, and my stomach could only hold water every day. Sometimes even water No need to pretend.

Therefore, as soon as the spatial ability disappeared, the first thing she thought of was food.

You Qianchen's dark eyes fell on her face, "It's as if you have experienced this kind of life."

(End of this chapter)

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