Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 750 At least let some people know that you belong to me

Chapter 750 At least let some people know that you belong to me
"I know you are doing it for everyone's benefit. You don't want You Qianchen to harm the base in the future, but it is for You Qianchen's best." Hopping paused, "But have you ever thought that if you help him like this, he will treat you well?" Will your relationship get deeper and deeper?"

Lu Nanqi frowned, "Nothing is perfect in this world, and now I can only take one step at a time."

"You have said it so clearly, what else can I persuade you?"

"So, you're not jealous anymore?" Lu Nan Qiyi was delighted.

"Eat." Huo Ping attached himself, and there was a lingering kiss on her lips, and he didn't let go until Lu Nanqi gasped, "So, from now on, you must move to live in my house. "

Lu Nan sneered, "Your house is next door to mine, so it doesn't matter if you move or not."

Huo Ping had a childish awkwardness on his face, "At least let some people know that you belong to me."

"Okay, as long as you can convince everyone to let You Ganchen stay, I will listen to you."

On the second day, Lu Nanqi moved into Huo Ping's house. Her room was empty, but it became the world of the goblins. A dozen or so small figures walked in and out of that room all day long, and they also had a place of their own. little world.

You Ganchen's body was a minor problem, and the bleeding stopped after the stitches, but after two days of observation, Lu Nanqi found that his body did not have the ability to heal automatically.

The wound was sutured, but the wound was still the same as it was at the beginning, and it was not ligated. Even if You Qianchen moved too much, the wound would ooze a little blood.

Lu Nanqi has no idea what the body structure of a zombie is like.

However, when thinking of the other rotten zombies, it seems understandable that their bodies have never been completed, probably because of this, they have no ability to heal and regenerate their skin.

Fortunately, You Qianchen had an arrow wound, if it was anything else, Lu Nanqi couldn't imagine how to suture his wound.

As soon as I went back, I immediately went back to busy work.

Since the zombies are like them, their abilities all disappear, and they are also in a weak situation. With the help of chemical drugs, their winning rate is even greater.

This is the perfect time for them to eradicate monsters!
However, this battlefield does not require her to go down. The people in the base spontaneously organize to deal with the zombies. When there are too many people, she has nothing to do with her. Except for necessary things, she will talk to Huo Ping all day long, and occasionally hold meetings with everyone. Then there is nothing to do.

Suddenly, when I was free and had nothing to do, I suddenly felt like a useless person.

You Qianchen lived in the base completely, and gave him two bags of blood plasma every day to keep him warm. He stayed with Lu Nanqi during the day and returned to his room at night.

Because Lu Nanqi at night belonged to Huo Ping alone.

Perhaps because of You Qianchen's arrival, Huo Ping's possessiveness towards Lu Nanqi became more and more high. When he was doing things outside during the day, he would always torture her severely at night before letting her go safely.

After a month of this, Lu Nanqi finally couldn't stand it anymore.

All the zombies around the base, even those flying in the sky and crawling underground, were all wiped out, and then everyone went out around the base, almost wiped out all the monsters in the entire southern city.

When the days were peaceful, she couldn't wait to move back to her own house.

Seeing her increasingly gentle face, everyone just smiled tacitly.

Lu Nan's face was scorched by their staring for seven days, and he began to deliberately hide from the crowd. He had nothing to do every day, so he sat on the rooftop in a daze.

"What are you thinking about, so engrossed?" The sudden voice disturbed Lu Nanqi's thoughts.

She looked back, and it was Meng Lun, "It's boring, it's just basking in the sun, why did you come back so early today, and everything is done?"

Meng Lun sat down next to her, "It's over, the monsters are gone, I have nothing to do, but I'm idle every day. However, I will definitely be busy again in a few days."

"Anything else?"

Meng Lun looked at her, "Huo Ping plans to expand the base. If possible, he plans to surround the entire South City, but it will take some time."

"Recently, more and more people have come to seek refuge in the base. It would be good for everyone if the scope can be expanded, but a few people are crowded into one room." Lu Nanqi analyzed.

Meng Lun tilted his head and stared at her quietly for a long time, knowing that Lu Nanqi turned around, met his eyes, and asked inexplicably, "What's the matter, is there something else?"

Then he said, "I remember you once said that you are going to find the island in your dream."

Lu Nanqi was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect him to bring this up suddenly.

Now that life is peaceful, she thought that everyone would only like living here.

Therefore, she also slowly let go of this thought in her heart.

For such a long time, she seemed to have gotten used to such a peaceful life, subconsciously she was unwilling to think about more things, so she just kept on day after day, thinking that maybe her life would be like this in the future.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with such a life.

She even thought so.

The previous dream has to be uttered by someone else at this moment...

"I haven't forgotten." She sighed.

Meng Lun said, "But you started to hesitate, you were reluctant to leave because of Huo Ping."

The truth was dug out by him mercilessly, bloody.

Lu Nanqi was speechless.

She was indeed moved with compassion, so she repeatedly stalled for time here.

Delayed for a day, a week, a month, or even longer time... Meng Lun ruthlessly exposed the little calculations in his heart.

Lu Nanqi lowered her head in shame, and said, "Meng Lun, give me a little more time."

Letting her by his side can leave more memories.

Meng Lun's eyes flustered, "I don't mean anything else. If you want to stay here, it's not impossible. No one can force you to make any decision, including me, me, I just don't understand your decision, so I came here to ask You, I didn't mean to embarrass you..."

The anxiety he explained, nothing is as important as making her happy.

That's right, he has selfish motives, and he came to her with selfish motives.

Thinking that if she left here, without Huo Ping, she would be able to treat him as well as before...

However, he doesn't want to see her sad, her happiness is more important than anything else!

"I know." Lu Nanqi interrupted him, "But this is something I have to do, Meng Lun, give me some more time, one month, okay?"

She was talking to herself, as if she was just admonishing herself.

Another month, one month later, leave here.

Meng Lun couldn't bear it, and looked at her without saying anything.


At night, Huo Ping sneaked into her room, and the rogue refused to leave. He pressed her down again and again, and asked Lu Nanqi to beg for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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