Chapter 766 Massacre
I didn't go back to the house until late at night, and stood at the door looking at the thin person on the bed, not daring to go any further.

Lu Nanqi was already sound asleep, and didn't notice anyone at the door at all.

The beautiful spring scenery in the room made her look like an elf who strayed into the mortal world.

Those vines and strange flowers that burst out from her body, even after so many days, still show no signs of withering.

Even, it seems that the driving is getting better and better.

What a strange existence.

If he is gone, with their company, at least she won't be so lonely...

Not enough, not far enough, at least, to ensure that there are more people around her who can protect her well.

He leaned against the door in a daze for a long time, and there was another itching in his chest, and he couldn't stop coughing. Afraid of waking her up, he hurriedly closed the door and knocked on You Qianchen's room next door.


Lu Nanqi got up on the second day and was surprised to receive the news that You Qianchen had gone to the laboratory.

You Ganchen quarreled fiercely with her yesterday, why did he go over without her saying a word to him today?

Is the sun coming out from the west?
It's unbelievable!
Along the way, he wandered around the base, asking all the passers-by if he wanted Huo Ping, but none of them knew where he was.

It's strange, the one who let him go to bed early last night not only didn't see anyone all night, but now it's broad daylight, and no one knows where he is, what the hell is he doing?

She took the walkie-talkie, sent a message to Huo Ping, and blocked him several times, but did not get a reply from him once.

There was some uneasiness in his heart, but at this moment, Chen Xiaobao rushed towards her in a hurry, his immature face was full of excitement and excitement.

"Look at your happy little expression, something good happened?" Lu Nanqi guessed.

Chen Xiaobao's head was turned into a sieve, "Seventh Sister, I feel it again, my abilities seem to have recovered!"

Lu Nanqi grabbed her hand, "Xiaobao, activate the ability immediately, we must see clearly what happened to the virus in the end, and whether there is an antidote to suppress the virus?"

"Sister Qi, don't worry, I'll come right away." Chen Xiaobao has already closed his eyes cleverly, feeling the emotional fluctuations in Lu Nanqi's brain. .

Monsters recovered their abilities earlier than humans, and took the opportunity to ruthlessly kill humans.

The virus is not well under control.

There were countless casualties in the entire base, and with the attack of monsters, the casualties were heavy.

Pieces of figures fell down and became their new enemies.

Among the dense crowd of zombies, Huo Ping's familiar face flashed past.

Lu Nanqi was shocked and woke up from Chen Xiaobao's thoughts.

Huo Ping, how could he...

Fear overwhelmed her heart, she suddenly broke away from Chen Xiaobao's hand.

Chen Xiaobao grabbed her tightly, "Seventh Sister, you can't leave now. If you leave at this time, what should I do if my ability disappears again? We haven't found a way to get rid of the virus yet, have we? At this time ,This is the most important."

"Yes, finding the method of making the antidote is the most important thing!" Lu Nanqi comforted himself, and held Chen Xiaobao's hand again.

When the mind came back, the strange picture reappeared.

The whole world fell into a terrible frenzy, dead people were everywhere, and corpses were thrown out of various bases every day, and even those small bases, because of the poor conditions, eventually the people in the entire base were slowly infected by the virus , all died.

Too cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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