Chapter 768 You Are So Heartless

"This result is enough to make everyone happy. Why should you be discouraged? You should not worry too much." Du Bing comforted her, handed the flowers and water to the people around him, and then said to her: "This matter is definitely not wrong. Then the results will come out soon, if you have other things, go to work first, and I will notify you as soon as the results come out."

"That's fine, you are busy first, I just want to see Xiao Chen." Lu Nanqi said.

Before leaving, I went to Huo Ping's side to take a look. I originally wanted him to come out with me.

As a result, this guy kept his head down discussing the preparation of flowers and water with the group of people, and never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

Really great, busy sleepless nights and meals!

Lu Nan was annoyed, thinking about so many messy things during this period, knowing that he must have a lot of things, so he stood at the door for a while, before Huo Ping came out, he turned and went to Chen Xiaochen's side.

He was just as bad, but at least he didn't get any worse.

In other words, the water she gave him yesterday was obviously useful to his body.

"Why are you here again? Don't come here to see me all the time. It's not safe here. Go away." Chen Xiaochen didn't want to see her here again. Every time she appeared, there was more danger.

It doesn't matter if he is dead, but he can't harm her.

"Take it easy." Lu Nanqi put more bottles of water in his room, and said, "We are about to find a way to suppress the virus. Although this water can't directly cure the virus, it can also relieve it. You're fine." When it's time, drink more, and I'll take it when I'm done."

"Water in your space?" Chen Xiaochen asked, "Does everyone have it?"

"How are you now, and you still have the mind to care about others." Lu Nanqi said helplessly, "Don't worry, I will give orders later so that everyone can drink the water."

"Where is Xiaobao, how is Xiaobao doing recently?"

"You still know how to care about her? She's fine. This detoxification method was discovered by her using her supernatural power. The supernatural power wasted too much, and she was a little bit weak. Now she is resting in the room. If you really worry about her, Then quickly take care of your body, and then take care of yourself.”

"I have already entrusted her to you, and she will be your responsibility in the future." Chen Xiaochen half-joked.

Lu Nanqi spat at him, "Don't block me with anything, I never promised you this matter, and no matter how much you beg me, I can't agree to it, this matter is only you One person can do it."

"You are so ruthless."

"It's good to know." She put some more fruits on the table, and then walked out, "These fruits are good for the body, remember to eat them all."

It's all food taken from her space.

Every time the water is watered, the water in the river is used. Over time, I believe that these fruits can also be contaminated with high-quality trace elements in the water.

If you eat it in your stomach, it will be beneficial and harmless.

"How come you have so many good things?" Chen Xiaochen's curious voice sounded from behind.

"Secret." She smiled and closed the door.

Turning around to the next door, standing at the door and looking at Jia Baihang who was sitting on the bed blankly.

"Here we come." Jia Baihang just looked up at her, and didn't intend to get up to open the door for her, "What's the matter for you to come to me at this time?"

"What can I do with you?"

He is a dying person now, what else can she come to him for?

But just take a look at him, how bad the situation is.

(End of this chapter)

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