Chapter 774 You Are Mine
When Lu Nanqi left the research room, her hands had already been clenched into fists, and her nails were sunk into the flesh of her palms, she still didn't know it.

Walking all the way in a daze, aimless, don't know where to go, just want to find a dark place to stay, the light above her head illuminates her nowhere to hide, and the bright objects around reflect her shadow, all the time No longer talking about her embarrassment.

She finally escaped to the dark roof. The cold night wind blowing on her body made her wake up a lot.

It doesn't matter, she doesn't really care about it, she just hates the feeling of being betrayed, if she loves him deeply, she doesn't like him very much, and she doesn't really have to have him in her future life, it doesn't really matter...

So no matter who he is with, it has nothing to do with her anyway.

She thought blankly, ignoring the piercing pain in her heart, the pain was still weathered by the wind and blown away.

"You are hurt."

She turned her head slightly, only to realize that You Ganchen was sitting next to her at some point, body to body, holding her hand, checking her palm.

"You don't need to worry about it." She withdrew coldly, refused his touch, and said coldly, "Get out of here, I don't want to see you."

You Qianchen didn't care about her words, just grabbed her hand, took out the medicine that he had brought out in the laboratory from his pocket, and cleaned her palm, "Don't hurt yourself like this, I will feel bad."

Lu Nanqi just thought it was funny, pulled the corners of his mouth, and laughed out loud, "You Ganchen, don't you have any self-respect, I told you to go, why are you still relying on me?"

"If you tell me to stay, I'll stay. If you tell me to leave, I'll leave. Doesn't that show that I have no temper and character." You Qianchen let her sarcasm, showing no signs of getting angry.

Lu Nanqi insisted on withdrawing his hand, and he held it stubbornly to prevent her from moving.

His powers have also been restored, she couldn't win him at all, she was upset and didn't want to talk to him, and in the end she could only let him play tricks on her hands.

After finally treating the wound on her palm, she began to give orders unkindly, "The wound has also been treated, now, you can go."

He held her hand in his broad palm, trying to comfort her, but in the end he realized how cold he was, how could he comfort her.

After sighing deeply, he still insisted on holding her hand in his palm.

Although he can't give her effective comfort, at least he can stay by her side and accompany her, even if it's just that, it's enough.

"Why do you want to go? That man gave you to me. From now on, you will be mine. Everything about you is related to me. Whether you are crying or laughing, you have to be in front of me."

Seeing her get hurt makes me feel uncomfortable, but on the other hand, I can't help being happy.

Unexpectedly, Huo Ping would choose him as the person she entrusted her life with.

The one chosen was not a person, but a zombie.

But when you think about it, you can actually understand that in the entire base, the person who is most capable of protecting her is probably only him, a zombie who looks like a human but is not human.

"He gave me to you?" Like the biggest joke in the world, Lu Nanqi couldn't help laughing wildly. At the end of the laugh, tears burst out.

A bit of a lunatic nerve.

You Qianchen looked at her blankly from the side, and gradually frowned deeply in her unstoppable tears, "He is so good, is it worth your sorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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