Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 785 1 Everything Is For Her Good

Chapter 785 Everything Is For Her Good
Huo Ping took her words, "So, I have lied to you and concealed you. I am the kind of person you hate the most in your heart. With me, you will only feel more and more pain, and you will not have any pain." joy, for my heart will never be true to you."

It never occurred to her to ask his heart to be loyal to her!
Before changing it, she would definitely shake her hands and leave angrily.

This journey was enough for her to sort out all the clues, and then seriously review what happened during this period, and there were indeed many doubts.

At that time, You Ganchen tried his best to stop her and refused her to enter the research room. At that time, he must have been lying on the experimental bed like today. In order not to let her see his appearance, he hurriedly hid in the lounge.

What everyone didn't expect was that she would rush into the lounge so resolutely.

In desperation, Huo Ping deliberately pretended to be intimate with the woman named Xiaoqin, and then successfully caused her misunderstanding.

There is a saying that care leads to chaos.

If it was someone else, she would be able to easily see the flaws in it, but it was precisely because the target was Huo Ping that she lost her senses immediately, her mind went blank, and she forgot to think about the problem.

Lu Nanqi ignored his deliberate sarcasm, and still grabbed his wrist firmly and asked, "Are you testing medicine and experimenting with your own body!"

"You are so funny. We have already broken up, but you still take care of me. Don't you think it's too funny?" Huo Ping said coldly.

The woman named Xiaoqin received Huo Ping's gaze, rushed forward, interposed between them, raised her eyebrows and confronted Lu Nanqi in a rather unfriendly tone, "I said, why are you so strange? You are also the one who is easy to break up. How many days have passed, and you come to him again. Don’t tell me, you still have no love for him? You are the seventh sister, and even big people can stalk you, so I can’t tell I don’t know how many people’s mouths can be entertained?”

Her words were harsh and harsh.

Lu Nanqi stared at Xiaoqin and sneered, "What are you? It's just a chess piece that has been used, but you have the nerve to show off your might in front of me?"

"You!" Xiaoqin's eyes turned red, and she threw herself into Huo Ping's arms, "Brother Huo, look, she bullied me and insulted me."

Huo Ping didn't move, he didn't push Xiaoqin away, and he didn't plan to stand up for her at all, he just looked at Lu Nanqi quietly.

"Bullying? Do you know what real bullying is?" Lu Nanqi's eyes sparkled, and as soon as he took out his hand, the green vine had already wrapped Xiaoqin's wrist, separating her from Huo Ping, "I'm so sorry, my Man, only I can touch."

"He has already broken up with you, how can he still be your man, Lu Nanqi, can you show some face!" Xiaoqin said harshly, and wanted to get closer to Huo Ping, seeing the green vine in Lu Nanqi's hand, and Too scared to go forward, he could only look at Huo Ping with innocent eyes.

All he got was his indifference.

"So what if we break up? I said he is mine, so he can only belong to me for the rest of his life." Lu Nanqi leaned close to Huo Ping, nestled in his chest, raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiaoqin.

"Everyone has the right to pursue their own love. I like Huo Ping. It's none of your business to pursue him!"

Lu Nanqi chuckled lightly, "That's right, everyone has the right to pursue love, no one stops you from pursuing everything you want, you just go after it boldly, so why are you yelling at me?"

"You!" Xiaoqin was angry and anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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