Chapter 791 So Intimate
"You don't need to convince me, I will stay in the base because of you, and I will make the antidote because of you." He paused, and then said: "I thought you understood, I did everything for you, Other people's lives have nothing to do with me."

"Then take another shot for me, okay?" She softened her body, almost begging.

You Ganchen smiled wryly, "You know that I will not refuse any of your requests."

"I know, I'm so selfish..." Lu Nanqi lowered his head.

But she had no choice but to continue doing it knowingly selfish.

"I'm sorry, I owe you. If there is a chance, I will pay you back." She said seriously.

You Qianchen looked at her, and burst out laughing, "Don't treat me with such an attitude, it's too strange, it's not the same as the usual you, I'm still used to seeing the usual arrogant you, it's more to my liking .”

Lu Nanqi's heart relaxed, and he laughed.

It seems that her request has been granted.

"Thank you, Qianchen." She spoke again.

Knowing each other for so long, and hearing her call his name so affectionately for the first time, my cold heart suddenly sank into a softness, wrapping him warmly.

He smiled happily, "With your dry dust, even death is worth it."

"Don't forget, you are a zombie with an immortal body. Wanting to die is just like a human being wanting to live. It's not easy." Lu Nanqi teased with a chuckle, "Let's go, everyone is waiting for you The hero is going to solve the danger."

The two returned to Niu Weiyuan's side.

He has ordered everyone to prepare gunpowder, and the archers are already ready, shooting and killing the zombies and animals below.

These monsters do not know where they came from, like a tide, seemingly endless.

In the last wave of zombies, they had hunted and killed many zombies and animals, even mutated animals.

It didn't take long before the tide of corpses broke out again.

The continuous disasters made them overwhelmed and powerless, only feeling tired.

The zombies and animals below became more and more frustrated as they were hunted down.

Soon, several places showed signs of being breached.

She reminded before that she must stick to the base and not allow the monsters below to approach within two meters.

But at this moment, in several places, the tide of corpses has even rushed to the corner of the wall.

The huge body of the mourning animal hit the wall, and it might collapse at any time.

Lu Nanqi crossed to that place, and turned his palm, but it wasn't the ability to release it, but water.

Countless water burst out from her palms, rolling wildly to the monster on the ground.

Soon, the ground was wet everywhere, and all the monsters sprayed by the water retreated in embarrassment, and some even fell to the ground directly.

The water that is beneficial to human beings is put here, it seems to be sulfuric acid, but all the monsters encountered will be injured.

She has always wanted to experiment with zombies. Since hot spring water can be used as an antidote to detoxify, what will happen if it is directly used on zombies?
When the opportunity came, I did not regret this move.

These waters can really cause the most direct damage to zombies.

good very good!

Lu Nanqi was ecstatic in his heart.

This joy just started, suddenly, there was a deadly pain in my head.

It came violently and suddenly, making people overwhelmed.

While reeling, she knelt down on the top of the wall, her face embarrassed and pale.

"Ah..." She hugged her head and moaned, her precarious body fell into a cold embrace.

Lifting his eyes with difficulty, he saw that it was You Qianchen.

"It's a psychic power..." She clasped You Ganchen's arm tightly, "There are psychic zombies below, and their abilities seem to be no lower than yours. careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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