Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 797 This Perverted Zombie!

Chapter 797 This Perverted Zombie!

When I did it, I had planned to be attacked by his psychic ability again, but when I faced it, I still felt the pain was unbearable.

Lu Nanqi staggered and took a few steps back.

The man seized the opportunity and began to attack her with his fist again.

She was overwhelmed and could only back away again and again.

I couldn't stand on the high wall, and fell outside all of a sudden.

There are zombies and animals attacking wildly below, she will definitely die if she falls, and will definitely become their food immediately.

Shocked in the heart, he wanted to sacrifice the vines in desperation, but just as he moved, his head felt a bone-piercing pain.

This perverted zombie really intends to kill her!

Originally, he wanted to use exotic flowers to hold him back, so that You Qianchen would have more time to prepare.

It turned out that she made a mistake, this perverted zombie had no intention of turning back into a human being at all.

In the blink of an eye, a sharp wind flashed by her ears, and a black shadow rushed towards her, hugged her firmly, kicked her feet on the wall, and brought her back to the top of the wall.

The person who came was completely wrapped up, and the only exposed eye was looking at Lu Nanqi worriedly, with the undecided shock from the thrilling scene just now in his eyes.

Lu Nanqi immediately recognized the person in front of him as Hezi who had been missing for a long time.

She smiled happily, "It's really timely to come back!"

What made her even more happy was Hezi's ability.

When he was saving her just now, the wind was blowing like a drum, which meant that he also had supernatural powers.

"Be careful, this person is a zombie with psychic powers. It's very difficult to deal with. My goal is to disturb his mind. When you come back, you can deal with him with me. You are faster, just hang around him , and then I will take the opportunity to assassinate him." Lu Nanqi explained, "But you must be careful, don't insist on confronting him, or there will be no good fruit."

She whispered in Hezi's ear.

The voice is not loud, but the man's eyes and ears are sharp enough to hear her every word clearly.

Hearing Lu Nanqi's words, he became arrogant again, "It's good to know that you are afraid, if you don't want to bleed, just marry me well."

"Bah!" Lu Nan's eyes turned cold, and he attacked the man again.

The man flicked left and right, and stopped attacking her.

This alone was enough to make Lu Nanqi suffer. She held her head in one hand, tried hard to drive out the illusion and pain in her mind, and approached the man step by step.

The pain slowed her down a lot, and the struggle seemed futile, because she couldn't even touch the hem of the man's clothes, let alone hurt him.

Hezi ran up and down around him, also trying to take the opportunity to kill the man in the gap.

But his situation was the same as hers, not only slowed down, but also immersed in pain.

The man began to laugh wildly again, "See, I am invincible, and those who dare to disobey my orders have only one final outcome, and that is—death!"

"If you don't want to die by my hands like your Seventh Sister, then kneel down and beg for mercy."

"As long as you sincerely surrender to me, I can let you have endless glory and wealth!"

The speech was exciting, but suddenly, the man's face changed drastically.

He cut off his words, clasped his head with one hand, and looked at the other wall of the base in disbelief, with hatred and disbelief in his eyes.

"You Ganchen..." His voice was painful, but he still insisted on saying, "Are you really going to kill the same family for a group of humans? Humans will only drive us to extinction. Sooner or later, you will regret it...kill After me, they will turn around and kill you immediately, you fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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