Chapter 800

With a pale face, Ji Zichen sat slumped on the wall, gritting his teeth.

The hatred for Xin Shu deepened a bit.

His peaceful life was destroyed by this zombie!

Xin Shu turned to him and said, "See, you tried so hard to protect her, but in the end, she didn't take you to heart at all. This woman is ruthless. Why don't you follow me? In the world where I live, there must be your happy life."

"It's all like this, and you still dream of being the king?" Lu Nanqi laughed mockingly, waving the vine in his hand, and threw Xin Shu high.

"Do you think this little skill can really hurt me?" Xin Shu stared at her ferociously, gritted his teeth and exerted force, the ability hit her, and when her head hurt violently, he took the opportunity to break free from her imprisonment and jumped. Go to the animal below.

After a few back and forth beatings, he was only slightly injured, and he looked a little bit embarrassed.

But the few of them already looked scarred.

Lu Nanqi put his fingers on his lips and let out a long whistle.

Within 2 minutes, the little fairy's figure flashed, jumped to the ground outside the base, and landed right in front of Xin Shu.

Lu Nanqi jumped on the little fairy's back.

"I won't hurt you this time, and next time, I won't hurt you next time, and next time, there will always be a time to completely knock you down!" She sat on the back of the little fairy, her thin body was about to be crushed. The goblin's thick long hair hides inside.

Such a thin and small woman was standing upright at this moment, facing the countless enemies in front of her, without showing the slightest bit of confusion.

Even calmer than any man.

With a straight body, she silently expressed her belief and determination.

"You are really an interesting woman." Xin Shu looked into her eyes with interest.

The women in the family were so bored that they were afraid of death. Every time they saw him, no matter if it was true or not, they would only flatter him, fearing that he would break their necks in a fit of rage.

Compared with the woman in front of him who puts death aside, he certainly prefers this one in front of him.

It's a pity that this little woman is not interested in him.

But it doesn't matter, catch it back, sooner or later there will be a tame day.

"I have more interesting things to do, do you want to know more?" Lu Nanqi raised his eyebrows.

Xin Shu smiled with great interest, "All ears."

"Come closer, it's tiring to talk from such a distance." Lu Nanqi was smiling, and patted the little goblin's body, making it take a few steps forward.

Although Xin Shu has followed her way and knows that her strength is mediocre, he still doesn't take her seriously.

Without any hesitation, he controlled the seat under him and approached her with a playful smile, "Smiling so softly, it's really hard to believe that you're not interested in me."

There are so many shameless men in this world.

Lu Nanqi suppressed a smile, "If you were more gentle with me, I might really consider becoming Mrs. Yazhai with you."

Xin Shu's eyes lit up, "Really?"

The corner of Lu Nanqi's mouth twitched, all good looks suddenly disappeared, "Of course it's fake!"

The power surged again, and the vines burst out from the ground, hitting Xin Shu and his seat directly, and countless green vines entangled them, fixing them in place, unable to move.

In an instant, the little goblin jumped up and bit the neck of Xin Shu's seat.

During the neighing, Xin Shu's seat wobbled, and the faces of the people sitting on it were livid, struggling with the constant entanglement of Lu Nan's seven vines, so they could only use their psychic powers to control them again and kill them!
(End of this chapter)

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