Chapter 804

"When I'm with you, the question I think about the most is whether you really like me."

"Then, one day I saw you with another man, and Zixin handed over the intimate photos of the two of you to me. At that moment, I wanted to die."

"It turns out that it's not that you don't want to be intimate with me, but that you don't love me at all."

"I have low self-esteem, I am angry, and I want to take revenge on you, so I chose to be with Zixin without any hesitation."

"She has indeed brought me a lot of happiness, and it has greatly satisfied my vanity as a man. I have forgotten all the things between me and you, but every time I see you, I always think of you and other men. picture together."

"I won't say it, but God knows how jealous I am. I hate that your body is no longer clean, and that you betrayed me... I am getting more and more fierce towards you, and I am getting more and more shameless."

"In the end, even hatred, it's the end of the world. Why are you still stubborn, refusing to bow to me, and never even thought of apologizing to me for the wrong things you did."

"I parted ways with you, and later I was with Zixin all the way through hardships."

"During the days of starvation, she finally gradually showed her true colors, yelling and scolding me everywhere."

"Even later... for her own survival, she pushed me into the pile of zombies, lit the flames, and planned to burn me and the zombies to death."

"She stood on the bank like a devil and watched me struggle, and then laughed at my stupidity and uselessness."

"That's when I realized that I was just a ridiculous existence in her eyes. She did everything just to compete with you, but I was foolishly standing on her side."

"I know the truth of everything, but it's too late..."

"Before I died, all the good memories of being with you were in my mind. Only then did I realize that you are the only one who is really good to me."

"At that time, I was thinking, if I have a chance to live, I must find you, stay by your side, and make up for all my mistakes."

"I was unwilling to die like that. I tried my best to escape from the mouth of the zombies. I didn't expect that my life would be saved. It's a pity that my face was disfigured and I became neither human nor ghost."

"But I still found you. God knows how excited I am. God must have heard the prayer in my heart, so let me meet you again."

"I swear to protect you forever... Although I can't stay by your side forever, I am also very happy to save you with my own life."

The people around were all red-eyed by what he said.

Is he deliberately pretending to be pitiful to win sympathy?

Lu Nanqi wanted to continue to sneer, but couldn't make any expression.

"Seventh Sister..." That boy Wu Shan was actually wiping tears secretly, and looked at her with emotion, "He's already like this, why don't you just accompany him well."

Anyway, there is not much time left...

Of course he didn't dare to say that in front of Ji Zichen.

But everyone understands in their hearts.

One by one, they all waited for Lu Nanqi to land.

It seems that if she doesn't stay with Ji Zichen, it's just out of nature.

Although Lu Nanqi frowned, he did not leave ruthlessly.

Meng Lun tactfully beckoned the others to go, "Everyone follow me, and continue to deal with the monsters outside."

The crowd dispersed, leaving only the two of them in the huge open space.

(End of this chapter)

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