Chapter 813 Ability Explosion 3
"But, in this case, you will be in danger..."

A group of people hesitated to leave.

"With your kindness, it is enough for me." Lu Nanqi looked at everyone with relief, "Go, don't let my efforts at this moment be in vain, you have to cooperate with me, don't you?"

Someone left with a choked nose.

They chose to obey her anyway.

"Tsk tsk, what a touching and affectionate confession." Xin Shu sneered, walking on top of the lithe monsters, "Since the feelings are so deep, I'd rather be a good person to the end. I'll see you off for a ride. Let's get together again!"

The spirit surged, not only attacking the six of them, but also controlling the powerful animals around them to break through their supernatural combination.

"You also return to your respective positions, hurry up!" The five people around Lu Nan Qichao shouted, urgently mobilizing the energy stored in the totem.

At first glance, only her hands were raised slightly, without using any strength.

The wild animals around were already approaching them.

The five of Huo Ping regained their positions, and their abilities surged.

Xin Shu's spiritual department has already arrived, like a net covering their heads.

In an instant, the abilities of the five people converged into her physical energy, and then spread from her body.

With an explosion of all her strength, Lu Nanqi closed her eyes tightly, and a strong green light surrounded her, forming a turbine.

Xin Shu's spirit enveloped her, and the green light surrounding her burst out suddenly and spread outward rapidly.

The rays of light broke through the sky, shattering Xin Shu's spirit that had been densely covered by a net.

Everyone collided by the invisible force fell to the ground.

The monsters outside the base were killed and injured by the shock, densely packed with dark corpses lying on the ground.

The monsters who were originally imposing like a rainbow and could break through the base at any time, became existences like decorations in the blink of an eye.

When the green light broke through his mental energy, Xin Shu was shocked and flew far away.

At this time, there was chaos everywhere, and it was impossible to find where he was for a while.

But the most important thing, seeing the warrior who was about to explode, ended in a strange way.

Lu Nanqi exerted too much force, and a mouthful of hot blood overflowed from her throat. When the energy disappeared, she was already unconscious on the wall, and no matter how the people around her screamed, she still had no sign of waking up.

"You stay here to deal with the rest of the matter, I'll take her back first!" Huo Ping panicked and rushed into the research room with her in his arms.

In order to study the antidote, all the medical staff usually stay here.

Seeing Huo Ping come in with Lu Nanqi in his arms holding Lu Nanqi in horror, he thought that something serious had happened, but it turned out that he was just in a coma.

In their eyes, it was just an ordinary coma, but in the blink of an eye three days later, Lu Nanqi was still lying on the hospital bed, showing no sign of waking up.

Even now, she can only give her infusions to maintain the supplies her body needs.

You Qianchen said: "She is pregnant for two months."

As expected, Chinese medicine is not learned in vain, and one can determine the pulse.

Huo Ping asked others to do another blood test for her, and to do a B-ultrasound, and it really was.

It's a happy event, but it's also bad news. It's really not the right time to be pregnant.

She is still unconscious until now, and her nutrition has been unable to keep up. If this continues, the child may not be safe.

Coupled with the previous battle, her body wasted too much, and she was really not suitable for pregnancy.

Huo Ping looked at her all day, worried.

(End of this chapter)

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