Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 824 1 Everything Is Hard to Say

Chapter 824 It's Hard to Say Everything
You Qianchen smiled and said, "You are too cranky."

Lu Nanqi chuckled: "By the way, I just have something to ask you. Although the virus has been stabilized, I heard from Huo Ping that the virus on their bodies has not been completely cleaned up, and it will take a while. Strange flowers and water I will prepare it for you later, if you need anything else, you can tell me again."

"It's a good thing to be able to make the antidote. If it weren't for you, the people in this base would not know what it would be like to be infected." She was deeply moved, and then asked: "How did you make the antidote? Can you tell me the process? Learning one more skill is one more guarantee of life."

"The antidote?" You Ganchen's downcast eyes flashed.

Hearing his puzzled tone, Lu Nanqi just looked at him, and happened to miss his gaze just now, "Huo Ping said that you researched the antidote, is there a problem?"

"No." You Ganchen has returned to normal, "Of course you want to know, it's actually very simple, you also know that I have studied Chinese medicine, and everyone has tried many methods, even adding some other medicines in it, trying to make the strange flower It works more effectively with water, but I don’t know why, but they all failed in the end. Then, I thought, maybe it’s because of the amount of medicine added indiscriminately that the flowers and water lost their original effect, and then I did I conducted an experiment, directly throwing exotic flowers into the water, let them soak for one night, when Huo Ping woke up the next day, I drank it as a bowl of water, unexpectedly the effect was very good."

"It's that simple?" Lu Nanqi was deeply suspicious.

"Otherwise, what do you think it's like?" You Qianchen asked back, seeing that she didn't answer, he added: "We are always used to think in a complicated direction for many things, but the simple facts often make us dumbfounded, and the complicated ones often make us dumbfounded. The mind does complicated things, if we could think simpler, the antidote might have been made long ago, wouldn’t it?”

"That's right." The doubts in Lu Nanqi's heart dissipated, and he smiled, "No matter what, you are a great hero, thank you."

"Everything is provided by you. If you want to say the hero, shouldn't that person be you?" You Qianchen retorted.

"Don't be modest, we are both great heroes, so it's okay for the head office." Lu Nanqi smiled again, with a little emotion: "That's good, you helped everyone, and they will definitely not guard against you in the future. You and question you."

It's hard to say, it's hard to say everything.

You Qianchen smiled and said nothing.

He stayed with Lu Nanqi in the room for a while before leaving.

He ran into Huo Ping who hadn't gone far.

Seeing Huo Ping's thinner and thinner face, You Qianchen couldn't help but sigh: "How long do you think this will last Nan Qi? She will know the truth sooner or later, why not tell her everything from the beginning."

"I'll tell her, but not now, she's only two months pregnant, and I don't want to cause her any irritation." Huo Ping said, "Don't worry, I'm sensible, but if Qi Qi asks something in front of you, I have to trouble you to smooth things over."

You Qianchen asked: "How did you tell her about the antidote?"

Huo Ping's heart tightened: "What did you tell her?"

"Don't worry, I've made it up for you, but next time something like this happens, you have to notify me in advance. Nan Qi is not a woman who is easy to fool. If she is not careful, she will see the clues." You Qianchen patted her on the shoulder and sighed: "You, you can do it yourself."

He left. Huo Ping looked at him and said softly, "Thank you."

You Ganchen paused for a moment, then quickly continued to walk forward, "I do everything just to make her happy, so you don't need to thank me for anything."

(End of this chapter)

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