Chapter 826 Zhao Jinzhong

It was already dark when we arrived at the base.

Hundreds of people blocked the gate of the base in a mighty manner.

Naturally, the guards did not dare to open the door, so they quickly reported it.

I went to look for Huo Ping, but I didn't find anyone, but I met Lu Nanqi instead.

Seeing the man flustered, Lu Nanqi asked, "What happened?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just that a group of people came from outside the base, saying they wanted to join our base. I don't know what their origins are. I didn't dare to let them in casually, so I asked Brother Huo to report it to see if they would let them go." Don't let it go?" The visitor said honestly.

Lu Nanqi's skills are well known.

In everyone's mind, she has the same weight as Huo Ping in the base.

It is only natural to report something to her.

Furthermore, when Huo Ping cannot be found, it is the same to find her.

She must know where Huo Ping was.

So the person who came here didn't think much at all, and reported the matter directly.

After finishing speaking, he remembered the instructions of the scarred man in the group, and said again, "Oh, by the way, the leader said that his name is Zhao Jinzhong."

This person was later promoted to be the goalkeeper and did not understand what had happened before.

I just thought that it must be their old acquaintance or good friend when Fu Fu mentioned it like this.

Where would you guess, there will be so many grievances and grievances in it.

"Zhao Jinzhong?" Lu Nanqi muttered, frowning slightly.

What does he want to do when he comes to the base at this time?
"You go to the council hall to find Brother Huo, I'll go out and have a look first." Lu Nanqi said, already walking out quickly.


Outside the base, there was a dense crowd of people, crowded.

Under the light, they were all dirty, and it was impossible to see who was who.

Lu Nanqi stood on the top of the wall, quietly watching the crowd below.

Wang Qingming hurried over and stood beside her, "Sister Seven, are you looking for me?"

The crowd outside the Lu Nan Qichao base raised their chins, "Zhao Jinzhong is here."

"Huh?" Wang Qingming was very surprised, "Isn't this kid unreasonable?"

He patrolled the crowd, saw Zhao Jinzhong standing in front, and waved to him excitedly, "Brother Zhao, hey, look here! I, Wang Qingming, am here!"

Zhao Jinzhong has seen him since he came over.

This kid left him with a clear purpose all the way, that is, he wanted to join the peace base.

I didn't expect him to get here smoothly.

If he had directly agreed to Wang Qingming to take refuge here last time, perhaps he would not have suffered so much along the way?
It's just that there are no ifs in this world, and you have to walk out all the roads to know.

Zhao Jinzhong waved to Wang Qingming. Compared with the nervousness at the beginning, after seeing Wang Qingming, he gradually calmed down a lot.

Judging by Wang Qingming's appearance, he is doing well in the base.

He had helped Wang Qingming a lot in the past, although this trip was abrupt, but as a person named Wang Qing, I believe he would speak well for them.

Coupled with Lu Nanqi's rationality, I believe she will handle it impartially.

"Seventh sister, I'm Zhao Jinzhong, I'm calling Jinzhong to see you!" He shouted to the people on the city wall, and the woman stood under the lamp, as beautiful as ever.

Lu Nanqi didn't respond, but took out a bow and arrow from the space, and shot at him calmly.

The arrow feathers were facing his body, Zhao Jinzhong tried his best to dodge, only to narrowly escape the danger.

Lu Nanqi put in seven or eight minutes of effort.

People without certain strength can't hide at all.

Zhao Jinzhong looked at the arrow feathers that missed the ground with lingering fear.

After a little more time, he will go to see Hades.

(End of this chapter)

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