Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 833 I'll go with you!

Chapter 833 I'm Going With You!

She pulled away everyone around her, leaving only herself inside. She was planning to die!
"Quick, take me in!" Huo Ping swung his knife and cut off the vines that bound Meng Lun, and jumped onto the little goblin's back.

Meng Lun was relieved, and Lu Nanqi didn't use too much medicine. During the journey, his sanity had almost recovered.

Seeing that Huo Ping was about to break in alone, he said with pain: "Seventh sister must do this because she doesn't want everyone to make unnecessary sacrifices. There are too many monsters, so you have to think twice. Don't forget, there are countless people behind you." people."

With a wave of his palm, Huo Ping kicked the hand holding his ankle away, "There are still you in the base, but if I don't have her..."

Without her, the world is lost.

He pursed his lips and remained silent, determined to move forward.

Wu Shan ran forward, "I'll go with you!"

"Have you thought it through?" Huo Ping was not polite to him. At this time, no amount of manpower would be enough for him. Of course, the more people the better.

"And us!"

Wang Qingming, Shi Wanwan, and Yu Hui stood in front of him.

Yu Hui smiled: "Without supernatural powers, we are just a few useless ordinary people staying here, but if we unite together, at least we can play a role."

Huo Ping was moved: "Thank you, I, Huo Ping, will remember it in my heart. If I have a chance to survive, I will definitely repay everyone's kindness."

"It's outrageous to say that. Although I, Seventh Sister, haven't been together for long, she is the only person I admire in this world." Shi Wanwan couldn't help sighing.

"I'm going too!" Lu Li, who was behind the crowd, suddenly rushed forward, "My sister is pregnant. Although I don't have supernatural powers, I still have hands!"

Without supernatural powers, the only way they chased Xin Shu was by car, not many cars, and they used the gasoline left by Lu Nanqi last time.

The rest who didn't have cars all ran behind to catch up.

There is only one knife in everyone's hand, as if back before the end of the world, no matter whether it is a human or a zombie, they are still in a very weak state.

But it was so bloody and crazy, wielding a knife like a numb, killing people without blinking an eye.

Meng Lun recalled Lu Nanqi's request before he left, and grabbed Lu Li's wrist firmly, "There is still hope for the five of them to go, but if you go, you will really just die. Seventh sister said, if I want to keep you safe, I can't keep her, at least I want to keep you too..."

"Stay here, this is your sister's wish." Huo Ping turned his head and said to the little goblin: "Today I have to make it difficult for you to be my knight again, little goblin, take them, hurry up, maybe we still have time save her."

Although he had never heard the little goblin speak human language, it was not the first time he saw Lu Nanqi talking to the little goblin, knowing that it could speak the language, and just after speaking, he saw the little goblin rising from the ground, with a vigorous body. Zi jumped a foot high, and quickly rushed into the monsters, their huge limbs easily trampled them.

The four people behind each sat on the back of a tiger, surrounding them, and several tigers protected them all the way to Lu Nanqi.

Xin Shu's figure was seen in the tide of corpses, a distance away from them, and a mutated horse was sitting under him, running faster than them.

Huo Ping was anxious, and patted the goblin on the head, "Hurry up, we must reach Qiqi before him."

The little goblin glanced at him, and two tigers rushed towards Xin Shu, blocking his way, and biting his seat.

(End of this chapter)

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