Chapter 842 Wedding
He left, what if they couldn't see him, and left him in a fit of anger?
Jia Baihang and Tan Lei personally went to the mountain to catch him, and walked to the city with his arm.

In the past six months, he will go outside the island to fight monsters, and feed all the crystal nuclei to the old tree.

The ability has not improved, and compared with them who have advanced again, it is really a big gap.

The two grabbed an arm each, and there was nothing he could do.

Thinking that he might see his children and his wife at any time, he shaved his beard specially in the past few days, and it was clean from head to tail.

At this time, they forced him to change into a shirt and trousers. His tall body was already a good hanger, and as soon as he entered the venue, he attracted the attention of the audience.

He hardly walks around the city, and the number of times he comes here in half a year can be counted on the fingers.

The last time I was here was two months ago.

The girls who haven't seen it for a long time are dumbfounded.

Yingying and Yanyan circled around him, but no one came to stop their actions.

Guessing that everyone wanted to get him out of the predicament on purpose, Huo Ping just felt very annoyed.

After sending everyone away, he hid outside with a wine glass.

Jia Baihang quickly followed: "There are so many girls, you can have any look you want, don't tell me you really don't like any of them."

Huo Ping's eyes were tired, and his heart was even more tired: "I don't need it."

"Everyone is worried about you." Jia Bai Hang said.

Huo Ping drank the wine: "My life is the most comfortable now, I can do whatever I want, what is there to worry about?"

"Huo, what are you trying to prove by persisting like this?" Jia Baihang couldn't bear it, but he insisted on talking, hoping to make him sober and stop being obsessed: "It's more than half a year, not half a month! If she really If you can come back, you will come back a long time ago."

"Today is exactly 200 days. At that time, she was more than two months pregnant, and the delivery period was about a few days." Huo Ping said firmly: "She will be back soon."

Jia Baihang sighed and shook his head: "Huo, don't be obsessed, look around you, there are more people waiting for you, everyone is waiting for you to recover."

"I look decadent? I don't think so." Not wanting to continue talking about this issue, Huo Ping raised his glass, then turned around and said, "Since we are here for a wedding, why don't we toast the protagonist? Let's go and see Bridegroom officer, feel happy."

When he said that, he had strode away.

Jia Baihang looked at his back worriedly, but had no choice but to follow him silently.

The wedding began soon, and the witness was Huo Ping.

Read the testimonies for the newcomers and watch them put rings on each other, with envy in their eyes.

What will his wedding with Qi Qi look like?

And how beautiful she is in her wedding dress.

Thinking of her temperament, let her walk towards me in a wedding dress like a lady, I wonder if she can't stand this kind of scene?
She will probably be uncomfortable and unwilling to appear in front of everyone.

It doesn't matter, when the time comes, he will hold a wedding for her with just the two of them, as long as he sees her in the wedding dress alone.

The location was chosen under the old tree on the top of the mountain, and let the old tree witness them.

That must be beautiful.

Qiqi, so come back quickly, I can't wait to see how you walk towards me in a wedding dress...

Huo Ping's eyes were blurred. Standing on the wide lawn and looking at the top of the mountain, the light shining from the old trees can be seen from here.

The light green light is mixed with a cluster of fiery red, as if it is going to burn the sky.

The light gradually burst out and became thicker and thicker.

That's not an illusion!
(End of this chapter)

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