Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 849 Little Red Bean I Like

Chapter 849 Little Red Bean I Like

While speaking, he had already picked her up.

She kicked her feet in shock, and her face became redder, "Who wants to be your wife? I don't like so many handsome boys on the island. Why should I like you? Apart from being handsome, you have nothing else to offer." place!"

The boy smiled wider in her words, "Didn't you say that I am dirty? It turns out that I am already handsome in your heart. If I wash myself clean and dress up well, Are you going to be completely stunned by me?"

"Why are you so shameless?" She was forced to stay in his arms, only to realize that he looked young, but his figure was not as lean as the eyes saw. On the contrary, he was very burly, well-proportioned and strong And broad.

"My uncle said that men who are prudish in asking for their wives are either not real men, or they are all fake prudence."

Xiao Hongdou was amused by his words, "Why is your uncle so cute. But seeing how unruly you are, you can see how unscrupulous he is. You are only so old, and you want to marry a wife."

"I didn't want to before, but after seeing you, I wanted to marry a wife. I'm 22 years old and I can marry."

"Four years older than me, I thought you were just a brat." Xiaohongdou laughed.

"It turns out that you are an adult, so I can safely take you home."

Little Red Bean was in a hurry, "How dare you!"

"Then you said, how can you marry me?"

"If you have the ability, let me fall in love with you, otherwise you don't even think about it."

The boy was proud, "It's easy, I will make you fall in love with me within a month!"

"Oh, what a big tone." Xiaohongdou smiled ironically, and patted him on the shoulder, "Are you tired of talking like this, let me down first."

"I'm not tired, it's so close, I like it."

"But I don't like it!" Xiao Hongdou rolled her eyes and emphasized that the young man in front of her was clearly playing a hooligan, and there was no time for what she said or did.

Seeing her pursing her lips, he also frowned, "Are you angry?"

She warned: "If you don't let me down again, I will be really angry!"

He smiled, "That means you are not angry with me."

She rolled her eyes, too lazy to talk to him.

He kept asking, "What's your name?"

She said nothing, turned around and wanted to climb the tree again.

He went around to her and stopped her, "You answer me first."

"Why did I tell you your name? You didn't tell me what your name was." Xiao Hongdou snorted, pointing her toes, her slender body had already climbed up the tree, sitting on the tree pole, dangling her legs, dangling condescendingly Legs, "Still, you dare not tell me your name?"

The boy smiled frankly, "I have nothing to say. My name is Feng Yi. You can call me Yi directly. It sounds like our relationship will be better."

"You can call me Xiao Nian." Xiao Hongdou said, raising her eyes to look into the distance, she happened to be able to see the lush green island of Seven Star Island, compared with the surroundings, it was like a fairyland on earth.

Feng Yi climbed up the tree together, sat beside her, and watched with her, "Is it beautiful in there?"

"Is it beautiful or not, you can see it with your own eyes." Xiao Hongdou retracted her eyes and looked at him, "Do you only live with your uncle?"

Feng Yi nodded, and she asked again, "Since it's just the two of you living together, why don't you and your uncle enter Seven Star Island? It doesn't reject outsiders."

"But, I can't go in." Feng Yi sighed for a moment, and his expression became disappointed.

Little Red Bean asked curiously, "Why?"

Feng Yi pursed his lips and refused to speak at first.

"You are so boring. You were fine before, but now you have become like this." Xiao Hongdou sighed, and her expression became melancholy.

Feng Yi turned his eyes to look at her, "Just said me, you are not the same."

"I'm really sad because I have something to do. I'm not like you, pretending to be depressed at a young age."

"What's the matter? Tell me, maybe I can help you." Feng Yi said.

Little Red Bean sighed deeply, "Did you never want to grow up, just want to be a child forever, live a carefree life forever, instead of starting to think about what should be done and what should not be done, what do not want to do?" Do it, but take the overall situation into consideration, but you have to do it?"

"Yes." Feng Yidao, his tone was even more depressed than her, "The overall situation is the most important thing, even if it is an immoral thing, sometimes you have to do it. Killing and arson, fighting for food, everything in this world must be done. The darkest thing."

"You are only 22 years old, why are you talking so negatively?" Xiao Hongdou looked at him with complicated eyes, "Forget it, let's not talk about this topic anymore, tell me about you, don't you want to marry me , then at least let me know about you."

"What do you mean by that, can I assume that you plan to marry me?"

Xiao Hongdou smiled and nodded, "You can think so. If you can tell me more about the outside world, I might take you more seriously."

"My, I live in a very poor place, where there is a lack of food, and there are dangers everywhere. If one does not defend himself, he will die. Because while guarding against monsters, one must also guard against humans. Sometimes they are more terrifying than monsters , When food is scarce, they go to kill... thin people don't dare to sleep at all, because many times, once you fall asleep, you may not wake up for the rest of your life... your island is better, you have everything, life to be so peaceful."

Since you yearn so much, why not enter the island?

Xiaohongdou really wanted to ask, but he obviously didn't want to say the reason. She tactfully didn't speak, and just listened to his story quietly.

She needs to quickly understand how the outside world is.

Because in the near future, she will leave Seven Star Island and go to the unknown front.

This is her fate.

Destiny, mother's fate was passed on to her after she was born.

After that, she had to go down that road.

So she is melancholy, she is troubled, she is helpless, and she is confused.

Because no one knew about it, she completely concealed it.

Aunt Xiaobao's predictive ability was of no use to her, so she concealed the matter very smoothly.

When everyone was happily celebrating her birthday, she was the only one who was feeling sad and smiling less and less every day.

Seeing her lost in thought, Feng Yifan said, "Why don't you tell me about your past."

"I..." Speaking of before, Xiao Hongdou's face returned to some smiles, and he said softly: "You don't know, people on the whole island secretly call me the Great Demon King. Those disobedient people Children, adults are now using my name to scare them."

(End of this chapter)

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