Chapter 855
"I remember, when you first met Zhilan, you said the same thing!" Feng Yi snorted, refusing to give up.

Nie Qi was furious, and waved at his followers again, "Since he wants to die, then let him go, beat him to death, and I will give my brother and father an explanation when I go back."

The group of people ruthlessly cast their powers on him, and the wood-type powers tied him up, so the group of people stopped using their powers and beat him with fists and kicks.

Nie Qi took Xiao Hongdou's hand and left.

Feng Yi was anxious, he lost his defense, and was beaten even worse, lying on the ground in embarrassment for a while.

Those teenagers did it on purpose, kicking his vitals. He had no room to resist, but he never groaned. He just gritted his teeth and watched Xiaohongdou and Nie Qi leave. her concern.

There is no one in this world who knows Nie Qi better than him.

She followed him, how could there be room for her to come back safely.

Brother Nie Qi has always wanted to sneak into Seven Star Island, and even wanted to take Seven Star Island.

Even if it's wishful thinking, it's just that the place is so beautiful, so beautiful that many people start to have unrealistic dreams, longing for one day to occupy Seven Star Island and live that kind of happy life.

She doesn't seem like the kind of girl who is easy to coax, but why, she chooses to follow Nie Qi.

Or... just like Ruan Zhilan said at the beginning, he is cold-blooded and ruthless, and he is destined not to be loved by any woman in this life. In this world, any woman who has a choice will not choose him.

When Nie Qi came, all Xiao Nian followed him and chose him without hesitation.

Xiao Hongdou walked a few steps away, looked back, and found that Feng Yi was still staring at her with straight eyes.

He obviously vomited blood, but he didn't care about his body at all, instead he worried about her... What a weird person.

Staring at him blankly, her heart seemed to be violently pulled by something. Every punch and kick from the teenagers seemed to fall on her heart, causing her heart to shiver again and again.

"Stop it all!" She finally couldn't help but yelled, and she jumped to Feng Yi's side.

The teenagers surrounded Feng Yi, and one of them said warmly to her: "Feng Yi's death is not a pity, you should hurry up and go with Nie Qi, and make sure he can make you happy like a fairy."

This person's face is not ordinary.

Xiao Hongdou was displeased, pursed her lips, and with a wave of her hand, a thin green vine directly lifted him several meters away.

The boy wailed on the ground, and after falling down like this, he was already unable to get up again.

Seeing how powerful she was, the other teenagers looked at each other with lingering fear, not daring to make any other moves for a moment.

"A bunch of trash, why are you still standing there, keep going, if you don't beat Feng Yi to death today, I'll let you all die!" Nie Qi's pretty face became hideous because of his rage.

"I'll see who dares to touch him." Xiao Hongdou said in a deep voice, the aura around her was instantly stern, and the agitated group of teenagers hesitated to approach.

Nie Qi was naturally reluctant to hurt her, and coaxed in a good voice: "Xiaohongdou, don't you want to play with me? I'll take you there now. This person is a lackey in my base. Death is not a pity, you Just leave him alone."

"In your eyes, human life is a running dog?" Xiaohongdou sneered, "surnamed Nie, young, violent, every time I met a defector from Shengli base, I heard such comments, I didn't believe it at that time, I feel that those people are more or less holding grudges, so they deliberately call people bad, mixed with false flavors, and I finally learned it personally today. Nie Qi, even a dog has the right to choose his own life and death, let alone a living dog. People. For a person like you, you can already imagine what the base looks like, so why do I need to go to see it again. "

"No, I'm not angry with him." Nie Qi tried to explain: "I'm not usually like this..."

But Xiaohongdou stopped looking at him, "Seven Star Island doesn't want to be an enemy of any base, but if someone provokes, I don't mind razing that base to the ground. You all heard me. From today onwards, Feng Yi is My friend, if anyone dares to touch him, it will be against me!"

Nie Qi was overwhelmed by her majesty and was speechless.

Xiao Hongdou snapped, "Go away!"

A group of people came out full of interest to find Feng Yi, planning to use him as a sandbag to practice their hands, but they didn't expect such a result in the end.

They have seen the girl's strength with their own eyes, and no matter how hard they try, they will only be abused to become scum. Although they are unhappy, they can't rush forward to die. They help the injured person to get up, and a group of people leave in despair.

As soon as he left, Feng Yi immediately fell to the ground, where the dead body remained motionless.

Xiaohongdou leaned over, "Weren't you very brave just now, why are you so half-dead now?"

Feng Yi stared at her quietly, the girl's beautiful face, with a piece of blue sky behind her, illuminated her eyes clearly and brightly, and what she said just now was in his ear.

She said loyally to keep him safe, even though she was in a hurry, it still touched his heart.

Friend, this is the first time someone has regarded him as a friend since he grew up.

This person is Huo Nian, who is aloof from Seven Star Island.

"They're gone, and there's no guarantee they'll come back if they don't give up. You'd better leave as soon as you're safe now." He said, his voice was calm and gentle, not as innocent as when they first met, and more, it was deep dull.

"Although you don't have supernatural powers, your ability is not bad, but when they hit you, you didn't fight back seriously, but let them hit you on purpose, why?" Xiaohongdou squatted beside him , to check the wound on his body, "Taboo, or forbear?"

Feng Yi said indifferently: "This is a matter between me and them. Smart people will not choose to intervene."

Xiaohongdou had already taken out the medicine from the space, and carefully bandaged him, "That was between me and Nie Qi just now, why didn't you risk being beaten to death and dragged me to prevent me from leaving, since you meddled Why can't I meddle in yours if it's my business? What you say makes no sense. "

"That's because I know what Nie Qi is like. If you follow him, there will be no good fruit in the end. Even if you have supernatural powers, it doesn't matter, they have plenty of ways to make you surrender." Speaking of this, Feng Yi snorted, " At this point, even if you cry and beg him for mercy, he won't care about you."

"It's as if he's a scumbag." Xiaohongdou said intentionally, "But I think he's quite handsome."

"Can a handsome man be eaten? It's because you women have such a pedantic heart that you fall into Nie Qi's way!" Feng Yi was so excited that he even had an expression of hating iron for being weak, "I really regret stopping you!" You go with Nie Qi!"

Xiao Hongdou giggled: "In my opinion, you grow a hundred times faster than him."

(End of this chapter)

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