Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 863 The Story Begins - Jia Bai Hang 1

Chapter 863 The Story Begins - Jia Bai Hang 1
"What you make yourself is of course incomparable with what is natural."

Feng Yi stretched out his hand to pinch her nose, "Do you usually sleep in like this? You really look like a pig."

"You are a pig!" Xiao Hongdou groaned dissatisfiedly, and sat up stretched.

The sun is shining brightly, the scenery is just right, and the sweetness is even more apex.

She jumped up from the ground, jumped up the tree on the hillside, and waved excitedly at him: "Come here quickly, I will show you the show."

Feng Yiyi went over and sat down next to her.Maybe it was because of her medicine, the wound on her body has healed after one night, not only did she not bleed, but even the wound was scarring.The speed of healing was several times faster than usual.

He rubbed the most obvious injury on his wrist, and said to himself: "In two days, my injury will be completely healed."

At that time, I don't know if they can continue to sit and chat happily together like this.

Xiao Hongdou was proud, "That's right, don't look at what kind of wound medicine I gave you, I am reluctant to give it to ordinary people."

Feng Yi smiled and reminded: "Then you are still willing to give it to me, we only know each other."

But this also just proves that he is different in her heart.

Feng Yi is in a good mood.

Xiao Hongdou could hear the complacency in his words, and snorted: "Cut, what's there to be complacent about, I only use it for you because you are handsome."

Feng Yi smiled, "Yes, I also know that I have always been handsome."

Xiaohongdou couldn't help laughing, "You are shameless, just like Uncle Tan. He is very shameless, and Aunt Mingyue was chased by his shamelessness."

Feng Yi actually praised him, "I like his shamelessness. If you want a wife, you should be more active."

Little Red Bean: "..."

What kind of thinking is this?

Dangerous, dangerous.

She said: "This is wrong. If Auntie Mingyue hadn't been strong-hearted, she would have run away long ago. If it were another woman, she would definitely not be able to bear it. If you are like him, I can guarantee that you will definitely not be able to get a wife in the future."

Feng Yi looked at her, "So, your heart is not strong enough, do you want me to marry you back home in a different way?"

"of course not.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he met Shang Fengyi's playful eyes, and immediately realized that he was being fooled.

Xiao Hongdou rolled her eyes, "I say you, don't keep teasing me!"

Feng Yi moved closer to her, "But the wife I want to marry is you."

"You will make people think you are a rascal!" Xiaohongdou backed away.

Feng Yi pushed forward and approached step by step, "Rogue, I really like this word."

The corner of Xiaohongdou's mouth twitched, "You admitted it so cheekily, what else can I say?"

He took out the food from the space, stuffed it into his arms, and jumped to the ground with a piece of food in his arms.

Avoid getting too close to him.

Feng Yi sat next to her again, "Don't get along with me like this, you're leaving here tomorrow, and next time, if you want to get close to me, I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

"You're leaving tomorrow? So fast!" Xiao Hongdou was startled.

Feng Yi explained: "My injury is almost healed. If I stay for too long, it will be difficult to explain when I go back. Three days is enough for Nie Qi to ease his emotions."

Xiao Hongdou looked sad, "But you didn't mean that Nie Qi would trouble you."

Feng Yi smiled and said: "When I went back, my injuries were all healed. Nie Qi couldn't find any other evidence, so he could only suffer from being dumb. I have always kept a low profile. If there is no evidence, the leader will not doubt me. Even if they really If they want to develop me, they have to worry about their father."

"So, you're blaming me for leaving so quickly."

Feng Yi raised his eyebrows, "Why, are you reluctant to part with me?"

"That's right, and it's not." Xiao Hongdou tilted her head to look at him, "It's rare to meet someone who can talk to me like this. Once you leave, I will become bored in the future, and I will definitely miss you. But anyway, I also I have to go, it's good for you to go, otherwise if you are still here, I will become hesitant and reluctant to go."

"Then it's just right for me to leave, otherwise, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

"Haha, yes." Xiaohongdou laughed, "You are about to leave, but my story is not finished yet, what a pity."

"I'm leaving tomorrow, and you still have a whole day, enough for you to tell many stories."

Xiao Hongdou grinned again, "Yes."



A new story has already begun. This time, after thinking about it for a long time, she decided to tell the story of Jia Baihang.

The protagonist's temper is too simmering|burning, and he always likes to hide everything and all emotions in his heart.

It was the same when I was in front of me, and now I am older, and it is still the same.

Xiao Hongdou doesn't like to get along with him very much, so she always has to think about guessing in order to understand him.

That's tiring.

She still likes to play with straightforward and simple people.

"In our Seven Star Island, there is an uncle named Jia Baihang. I think, those of you outside the base must have heard of his name. He seems to be searching for everything, and he can always do everything. Gotta cover everything."

"In the entire Seven Star Island, the person I don't want to be with is him. Every time I see him, I always like to stay away from him. But Huo that old guy, always likes to teach me to him to manage, really hateful!"

Feng Yi joked, "That's because you are afraid of him. In the entire Seven Star Island, he is probably the only one who can cure you."

"You can guess this!" Thinking of Jia Baihang's stern face, Xiao Hongdou immediately hesitated, "You don't know him, although he can manage Qixing Island in an orderly manner, but he is really superb. Serious, with a serious face every day, I was very scared when I saw him when I was very young, but I didn't expect to be so grown up, I was still afraid of him."

"It's not that he treats me badly. In fact, he treats me well just like everyone else. He only wants to teach me well and make me a talent, but I always let him down. Every time he is disappointed , the punishment is not me, but himself. When I was young, if I didn’t practice well in fighting, he would punish him for half a day. he……"

Feng Yi took her words, "So you are forced to have no choice but to show your ability and practice fighting well."

Xiao Hongdou sighed and nodded, "You're right. But after I had practiced fighting, he immediately ordered me to learn other things. It was a painful experience."

"Later, in order to prevent others from seeing your true strength, you suppressed your learning ability and continued to be a mediocre person." Feng Yi analyzed.

"You're so smart." Xiaohongdou continued to nod in admiration, "Later, when he was punished, I continued to accept the punishment by his side, and every time I got myself covered in bruises, he loved me so much that he didn't dare Punish yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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