Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 869 Little Red Bean—Spying, Identity!

Chapter 869 Little Red Bean—Spying, Identity!

Although this transaction is shabby, there are still an endless stream of people following it, especially those women who have no supernatural powers. They feel happy that they can maintain their food by washing clothes.

Xiaohongdou was shivering from the cold, but she still squatted in the designated place and finished washing her clothes obediently.

When I got the two steamed buns, I hardly felt anything in my hands.

Ordering to wash clothes in water of more than ten degrees, those women who wash clothes all the year round did not suffer from the root cause of the disease, and she had to admire them.

It was getting dark and she had nowhere to go, so she had to go back to the abandoned temple.After eating a steamed bun, he lay down to rest.

The night was getting darker, and the two dark shadows from last night came to her again.

The man named "Brother Han" didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave today, but squatted in front of her, scrutinized her more closely than yesterday, and said with interest, "Since she is a wood-type power user, Don’t you think it’s strange why you don’t report in the wood system, but choose the lowest way of life? Besides…”

He grabbed her hand and said again: "Look at her hand, although it was red from the cold, the skin is delicate, and look at the complexion on her hand, it is so fair, not as dark as her face at all." , is even more problematic. She said her name was Xiao Nian, but she didn't give her surname, which makes people even more suspicious."

After analyzing each and every one of them, he looked at the man standing behind him, "Yu Ling, who do you think she was sent as a spy?"

The man called "Yu Ling" cast a contemptuous glance at the sleeping Xiao Hongdou, and then pondered, "It's still hard to say, we still need to continue to observe, don't worry, she is alone, she can't fly out of Jiubing."

"If she has that ability, I'd like to see what the people in the base outside are capable of now. I'm afraid that even if she is allowed to fly, she won't be able to figure out why." He moved his hand in the direction of Yu Ling, "Come here, try again this time, maybe you will succeed this time."

Yu Ling approached slowly, stretched out a finger, touched Xiaohongdou's fingertips, and moved away after only a moment.

Brother Han looked forward to asking, "How, this time, did you perceive it?"

Yu Ling shook his head in disappointment, "No, I still can't see everything about her. Han, it's not that my powers have failed, but, it's that I really can't see through her." His voice was startling, from childhood to adulthood The ability he possesses cannot be used on a foreign woman. This is a terrible nightmare, and it is a naked|naked|naked threat to him.

Brother Han was excited, "It doesn't make sense, you can detect everything for others, why can't she? She is just a wood-type supernatural being, it is impossible to resist your detection, there must be something wrong, it doesn't matter at all It doesn't make sense!"

"Hush!" Yu Ling stopped his high-pitched voice, "I don't know the reason for the time being, but we have to leave here first, if this continues, you will wake her up, and then I want to discuss it from her." If something comes out, it will be even more difficult."

"I will definitely find out the reason!" Brother Han swore firmly.

Yu Ling pulls him away.


Feeling that there was no more dangerous aura around her, Xiao Hongdou opened her eyes, and her pitch-black hands were invisible surges in the night.

The man named Yu Ling has the ability to perceive, is it the same as Xiao Bao?
And brother Han's insight ability is much stronger than she imagined.

The night was getting darker, she raised her hands and looked at it carefully, but she still didn't feel sleepy at all.

They didn't expect that it would be a pair of hands that made them suspicious.

Before coming here, she put on makeup on her face to cover up her fair skin. Although she also covered up her hands, when washing clothes, the color faded after a long time of soaking.

But thinking about it, even if her hands were not found, judging by the ability of that man named Yu Ling, it is impossible for her to fully embrace her identity.

As soon as they came yesterday, they figured out the identity of her wood-type supernatural power.

It seemed that she was about to be targeted by them.


On the second day, she went to take the task to do the laundry as usual. After doing the laundry three times, she got three steamed buns.

On the third day, she washed five steamed buns from morning to dark, and endured hunger at night, holding the steamed buns to sleep.

On the fourth day, she went early in the morning to Fengqing pick-up where the wood-type supernatural beings stayed together, put on her identity as a wood-type supernatural being, and under the leadership of the consul, she received two suits belonging to the wood-type supernatural beings. Some of them had two sets of green clothes and some supplies, and were taken into a room after that, and changed to a better place.

On the fifth day, she followed those wood-type supernatural beings and worked hard.

The tracker seemed to have finally lost patience with her, and on the sixth day, he stopped following her.

Xiaohongdou let out a breath of turbidity in his heart, what should he do in his normal life or what should he do.


She stayed peacefully for more than a month, but one day, her door was suddenly knocked open.

The room was full of ice-type superpowers, all with ice blades facing each other, pointing at her fiercely.

At that time, she was still sleeping on the bed, seeing their approach, she could only be stunned.

"Yesterday, three ice-type users were killed in the city, and the traces left behind showed that it was done by wood-type users. We investigated all the way and found that the last wood-type user entered your room." She walked up and down, and finally stood on the edge of her bed, staring at her indifferently with a condescending face.

This person is the extremely familiar Brother Han.

He raised his hand and pointed at Xiaohongdou, and sternly shouted: "Who do you order? How dare you kill my Jiubing people! If you tell me, I will spare your life, otherwise, you will die!"

Xiaohongdou looked at him with a pair of confused eyes, panic gradually appeared in his eyes, and soon he became trembling, "I, how dare I kill people, let alone people in the base, I came to Jiubingyueyu, everyone You are very kind to me, I live with gratitude every day, I am grateful to be able to live here, how could I kill someone, there must be a misunderstanding in this, please also ask the young city lord to clear up my grievances for me."

A group of wood-type supernatural beings rushed into the house to plead for her, "Young City Master, Xiao Nian has been with us every day since she came to live here, and she rarely goes out alone. She can't It will be the murderer who killed the ice-type abilities, and please ask the young city master to investigate the truth again!"

Brother Han glanced at them coldly, without getting angry, "What do you mean, I was incompetent and misjudged her?"

One of the wood-type superhumans said: "No, we definitely don't mean to question Brother Han, but Xiao Nian is pure in nature. All the wood-type superhumans here may be the murderer, but she cannot."

"Since there is no need to question it, why do you need to say more!" Brother Han ignored the request of the wood-type supernatural being, and ordered that Xiao Hongdou be taken away and locked in a cellar made of ice.

(End of this chapter)

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