I'm about to become an immortal, do you want me to be a prince?

Chapter 287 Talking about money is what a gentleman does!

Chapter 287 Talking about money is what a gentleman does!

Li Mu waited left and right, and finally the legendary literary master, Cao Xian, came.

When meeting Lao Cao for the first time, Li Mu only had one impression of this old man on crutches.

That is, four words: unfathomable!

Snow-white beard, snow-white eyebrows, and snow-white hair.

Nima is like an old fairy who came out of a fairy tale.

This look is even more immortal than Li Mu, a serious immortal cultivator.

Just riding a horse and even leaning on a cane, hanging a gourd.

Li Mu was really afraid that the old man would suddenly pick up the gourd and yell at him, "Hey! I'll call you, do you dare to agree?"

Shaking his head, Li Mu quickly dismissed the images in his mind, and spoke.

"Doctor Cao, Mu is being polite!"

Li Mu still showed great respect for this immortal old man.

No matter how much you complain in your heart, you can't delay your superficial skills.

Intellectuals, more or less have a bad temper, and like to pretend to be aggressive. Li Mu is already mentally prepared to be made things difficult.

"You are Li Mu and Li Gouzheng?"

"It's the kid."

"I heard that you are rich?"

Uh-huh? ?
hmmmm? ? ?
Who leaked such a secret?
What's more, with your old fairy-tale demeanor, you always say "money".

Don't you feel out of style?
"Uh, where did Mr. Cao hear about it?"

"Wu Wang said so."

What the hell!

What is Li Ke doing?
Shouldn't it be said that I am unparalleled in elegance and talent?
Saying that I am rich, and pretending to be such a force in front of this kind of cultural person, wouldn't it be cheating me?

Will people think that I stink of copper?Will you think I'm vulgar?
Just when Li Mu was confused, thinking about how to make up for his status and image in the old gentleman's mind.

Lao Cao suddenly said, "How much are you going to spend to ask this old man to sit in charge for you?"

I rub!

Did I hear wrong?

Is this what you, Mr. Cao, should say?
Li Mu dug his ears, and said seriously, "Mr. Cao, what did you just say?"

"What's the matter? Don't plan to pay? You want the old man to work for nothing? Then the old man is leaving!"

"Wait, you wait for me, you must wait!"

"How much? Just be quick!"

Only then did Li Mu understand why Li Ke told the old man that he was rich.

Why, this is the right medicine!

Li Ke is still awesome!
Li Mu secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart.

If I had known this earlier, I would have just spent money on it, and Ma De made me prepare so much hard work.

He even recited three hundred Tang poems overnight.

Just to be able to mingle with this old gentleman today by relying on talent.

As a result, the first thing this fairy-like old master said was, "I heard you are rich?"

Nima said earlier, I can kill you with money in minutes, do you believe it or not?

"Don't worry, Mr. Cao, the price will definitely satisfy you."

"Well, that's good. Also, the servants brought by the old man will also be settled by you. You have to be responsible for food and lodging."

"No problem, no problem, it's all on me."

"I heard that you have also mastered the skill of making rice paper. There is inexhaustible amount of rice paper in your hand. I will send some baskets to the old man later."

Nima, other people are just a few knives, you just want a few baskets, how about slaughtering fat sheep here?

Have you finished writing so much paper?Wouldn't it be a waste to leave it alone? The weather in the south is getting wet every minute.

"Mr. Cao, why don't you ask someone to give you twenty knives first, and then you can ask someone to pick it up at any time after you use it up."

"Why? Can't bear it?"

"no no"

"No, don't talk nonsense, and get someone to bring it to the old man later."

Li Mu took a deep breath, maintaining an elegant smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll send someone over to Mr. Cao later."

"Well, children can be taught!"

Teach your sister!

If I hadn't looked at your age, Bangbang would give you two punches every minute.

Although deep in my heart I really want to kill this old guy, but what I said is.

"Mr. Cao has won the prize."

The old man Cao glanced at him, smiled slightly and said, "This old man is eighty-six this year. I have seen too many things and people, and I have passed the age of pretending to be a gentleman. It's not that I don't know what you think in your heart, so, You don't need to play with this old man to brag about this fake thing, let's talk straight and clearly mark the price, the old man is short of money now, as long as you can afford the price that the old man is satisfied with, the old man will do things for you, it's as simple as that."

Li Mu was shocked suddenly, why is this old man really a scholar?Or a contemporary literary master?
Made, this style of painting is wrong!
"Don't be in a daze. If you have any requests, please bring them up quickly. I haven't had a few years to live. If I can be an old man, I will stay. If I can't, I will go back to Jiangdu. I don't have time to waste time with you here."

"Haha, Mr. Cao is really quick to talk, so I won't go around in circles. This time I want to ask Mr. Cao to come out of the mountain to sit in charge of my Jiangnan Academy, but the content of the teaching is up to me. I don't know if the old man has any objections."


Old man Cao agreed so straightforwardly that Li Mu couldn't even react.

"Really not?"

"What's wrong? I still want the old man to help you teach the students? The price will have to be calculated separately!"

I am special.
Li Mu's expression is like a dog, and it may even turn into a dog's day at any time.

Seeing the painful expression on Li Mu's face, Lao Cao said something with a smile.

"Boy, although I don't know what you're going to do, and I don't care what you're going to do, but don't worry, I won't meddle in other people's business. If you want to borrow my name, you can just give me money."

After a pause, the old man continued, "But as someone who has experienced it, I would like to advise you, young people, it's better not to be too whimsical. Your approach is very dangerous, do you know that?"

"Thank you, Mr. Cao, for your reminder, the boy knows it well."

"Come on, the old man has said everything that needs to be said. How to do it is up to you. As the old man grows older, he has seen many houses before seeing tall buildings rise and fall. You can do it yourself."

After speaking, he secretly glanced at Li Mu.

However, he saw that the boy still kept a calm and elegant smile on his face.

The old man frowned slightly.

Is there something to rely on?

Or are you too young to know the heights of the sky and the earth?

Unable to think about it, he simply shook his head, dispelling the doubts in his heart, what has nothing to do with the old man, let him go!
Of course Li Mu knew what the old man was reminding him of.

In ancient times, getting involved in culture and education would never end well.

What's more, Li Mu's actions may even shake the foundation of the feudal empire.

Wang Anshi had a miserable end to any method, not to mention something that shakes the foundation.

But Li Mu is not afraid, no one in this world can touch him.

Unless the system messed with him.

As for the foundation of Datang.

Anyway, during Li Shimin's reign, there will be absolutely no problems.

For the time being, the only problem is the aristocratic family.

At that time, the foundation of the Tang Empire was really shaken.

Li Shimin probably burped too.

Datang without Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Li Mu won't care.

If the system restricts his camp.

The big deal is to have a puppet emperor as a mascot at that time.

No problem!

(End of this chapter)

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