I'm about to become an immortal, do you want me to be a prince?

Chapter 289 On the Importance of Expansion!

Chapter 289 On the Importance of Expansion!
"Thirteen Lang, I heard you are going to the Western Regions?"

"Exactly, the young master asked me to assist An Hufa and escort a group of agricultural and livestock experts there."

In fact, Thirteen Lang said he was going to assist, but to put it bluntly, he was going to supervise An Xisa.

It is true that An Xisa has the ability, but he also has ambitions.

Ambitious people are dangerous and must be guarded against.

"The general will be outside the king, and his life will not be accepted."

That's what I said, but if one day he not only doesn't accept it, but even retaliates, it will be disgusting.

Thirteen Lang is a descendant of Fu Bo's family, and he has been with Li Mu for a long time. His loyalty can still stand the test.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to send him to supervise.

In addition, there is indeed a need for someone to help escort a group of professionals to run the business here.

After hearing this, Uncle Fu patted Thirteen Lang on the shoulder and said, "It's a long journey, remember to take care of yourself, don't worry about other things, the young master will take care of you."

"Don't worry, Uncle, Shisan is awake." Shisanlang replied with a calm smile.

"Although the Western Regions are bitter, but at this time of turmoil, it can be regarded as a chance." Uncle Fu encouraged.

Thirteen Lang smiled and nodded, "Then I will borrow my uncle's good words."

"Well, let's go!"

"Farewell, Thirteen!"

Thirteen Lang bowed his hands towards Uncle Fu, and then rode on a Jinshan chasing wind horse very gracefully.

Raising the whip and snapping it, the Jinshan Zhuifeng horse bred in the Hetao grassland is indeed a fine-bred horse.

After neighing, he obeyed the order and started to run.

Soon, Jinshan Zhuifengma caught up with a convoy.

Forber stood there and watched him until the convoy gradually disappeared from sight.


Western Regions, Bolu Kingdom.

"Dharma Protector, are you serious?" Yan Da asked with surprise.

"Your Majesty, don't you believe it? When you send envoys to Chang'an to pay tribute in the future, you will know the truth."

Yan Da suddenly blushed, a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said, "Xiao Wang believes in the Great Guardian."

What An Xisa told Yan Da was that Li Shimin had heard about him and expressed his high appreciation for what he had done, and at the same time invited him to come to Chang'an as a guest at any time.

When Yan Da heard the news, he was undoubtedly very excited, and asked several times to prove the truth.

In fact, this matter was indeed true. Li Mu added embellishments to him, and then reported it to Li Shimin.

After listening to the report, Li Shimin nodded with a smile and said, "The Bolu Kingdom's leader is good and has a future. I appreciate him very much. Let him come to Chang'an as a guest when he has time!"

Mr. Li has always welcomed the rulers of these small countries who admire the majesty and majesty of the heavenly kingdom.

He will send invitation letters to anyone who has status and willingness, inviting them to come to Chang'an to visit the Imperial Headquarters building.

To him, this kind of thing is a very honorable thing.

The more he came, the happier he was.

To sum it up with a slightly pretentious sentence, it is the so-called: "All nations come to court!"

The land turtles are also very happy to visit the headquarters building of the Tang Empire.

Because, for them, this is also an honor and a golden opportunity.

Worst of all, when bragging with the surrounding soil turtle kings in the future, the voice will be a bit louder, isn't it?
But it was the twelfth lunar month, and it would definitely not be appropriate to be a guest at this time, so Yan Da decided to go again when the spring began.

Although Bolu is not so much a country as an alliance, but no matter what, he, Yan Da, is also a justifiable lord of the country, a king who all the tribes of Bolu recognize.

In addition, he has recently had an instant erection as if he had taken a small blue pill.

Therefore, he is still eligible to be issued an invitation letter by Li Shimin.

Of course, Li Mu's help was also indispensable.

After all, it's true that Li Shimin loves to pretend, but it's not that all hot chickens and local turtles can catch his eyes.

Now Datang has gained a firm foothold in the Western Regions.

Three sites were laid.

Shanshan, Yiwu, Gaochang.

They were renamed Shazhou, Yizhou and Xizhou respectively.

Of course, there are still some small strongholds, such as the small town occupied by Li Fengjie.

However, the land is laid, and it has to be digested slowly.

After all, war is not a game, it is not over if you win.

After seizing the territory, it must be managed carefully.

The energy spent on managing the territory is no less than that of fighting.

It doesn't make much sense just to conquer or defeat the opponent. After Datang's soldiers left, what should happen here or what should happen here is just a matter of time.

After conquest, there is domination to consider.

But it doesn't mean that there are no benefits at all, not to mention plundering resources.

Another advantage is that the external military pressure has been completely resolved, and internal construction can be carried out at will.

The Central Plains area is rich in real estate, and it is entirely possible to have enough food and clothing on its own. Why did the emperor go to great lengths to conquer those border lands that are not shit?
In addition to those like Li Shimin who want to improve their performance, one of the more important reasons is to defend the celestial dynasty.

It is not difficult to understand the performance, the personal honor attribute bonus.

Is there anything better to bless the honor attribute than to expand the territory?

But in the ancient farming society, if the territory had no rate of return on land output.

This territory, then, is rubbish.

This is an obvious realization.

But why did the ancient powerful empire still have to work hard to expand?

This is true of strong men, and it is also true of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

This is the so-called strategy of defending the celestial dynasty.

In other words, it can also be called "geopolitics".

The prosperous Tang Dynasty was not strong because of expansion, but expansion was needed because of being strong.

Because of the prosperity, all industries in the Central Plains prospered, the land was highly productive, and the people's income doubled several times.

These are all beautiful, aren't they?

But if one day some desperate foreign bandit ran in to smash and loot, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

Then my Datang army fought another big battle to drive away these robbers, so a lot of bottles and jars at home were broken, wouldn't this be a bigger loss?
Therefore, in order to prevent this situation, we can only expand the territory and continue to expand.

After the expansion, the bottles and jars at home are relatively safer.

There are desperate robbers who want to come in to smash and loot, and because of the problem of Datang's defense line, they can only do damage on the periphery.

But do we care about this destruction?

No, even if you turn the border area upside down, the loss will not be too big, as long as our Greater Central Plains area is safe.

Then, when the two sides fight, they will only do it outside.

It can't hurt the family at all.

Isn't the importance of guarding the Celestial Dynasty in the four borders reflected?

This is the benefit of expansion and why it is necessary to expand.

Therefore, from Li Shimin's point of view, in order to protect the valuables at home, he had no choice but to extend the defense line and the border line all the way beyond the Great Wall, even beyond the sand sea.
(End of this chapter)

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