my pet is boss

Chapter 1 Goodbye, Earth!

Chapter 1 Goodbye, Earth!
"In the past, we explored the universe to understand the universe and recognize our own insignificance. Today, we set foot in the universe to find a new home for mankind!"

"Compatriots, starting today, we will leave the earth where our ancestors lived for generations, step into the unknown universe, and go to our Garden of Eden."

"This is a big step in the history of mankind. We will surely usher in a new era that no one before us could have achieved, and leave a mark in the history of mankind."

"Similarly... please take a look back at our native earth and say goodbye to it."

The white-haired man was powerful and powerful, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Everyone in the giant ark was lying at the window, looking longingly at the earth behind them.

This planet known as the Blue Star is now surrounded by sandstorms and yellow earth. It is no longer the Earth in human memory, but more like a barren Mars.

Although it has changed a long time ago, the root of human beings is here, the memory of all people is here, and the ancestors are here for generations.

There was reluctance in everyone's eyes. This time it was not a business trip, a weekend vacation, or shopping in the city center.They want to leave this desolate, resource-depleted and uninhabitable planet.

But except for one person.

The boy looked childish, but there was a trace of calmness in his eyes that adults didn't have.Although the clothes on his body looked old, they were clean.

He just glanced at it, and turned his head without hesitation, showing no sign of nostalgia.

It is also true that if a person was abandoned by his mother since he was a child and a father who only knew his surname and did not know where he died, and grew up eating leftovers in a poor orphanage, I am afraid that it will not be good for the planet behind him. memory.

The young man's figure is a bit special. When everyone turned their heads and wished to engrave the appearance of the earth in their minds, he was the only one who didn't care, and faced everyone in the opposite direction.

"When, when, when..."


"Okay, please put away our softness, please put the memory in the deepest part, we still have a long way to go."

"I hereby announce that the Federation of Humanity will be established from now on, and the AD era will be officially abolished. From now on, it will be the first year of the Xinghai Era."

Then came a lengthy introduction, according to the boy's words, breaking the old and creating the new.

It's just that for a person like him who has to do his best to survive, these lofty rules and regulations are meaningless to him.

The only thing I am interested in is how to save money and survive during the 200-year long interstellar journey!
"Big Times".

An online game based on virtual reality technology will become the main battlefield of human beings during the 200 years of space travel.

It only needs to be cryogenically frozen in the nutrition warehouse, connected to the neural equipment, and the game can be played in the state of brain activity.

Like it or not, it's the least resource-intensive way to spend your time.

The earth's resources have been exhausted, and the three arks full of human fire will be Noah's Ark in the history of the most magnificent migration of human beings this time.

It takes 30 years for 200 billion people to consume, which is an extremely terrifying figure.

Only under low temperature freezing, the metabolism of human beings is reduced to the minimum, can the minimum loss of resources be guaranteed.

At the same time, the bioelectricity generated by the continuous activation of neurons can also be used as a cyclic energy supply to the ark, achieving a delicate self-circulation system.

The boy only paid attention to a few words.

The economic system in the game will be linked to the human credit system, which means that the money earned in the game can be exchanged for real use.

Because the Ark cannot provide enough energy for its initial voyage, everyone will spend the first 100 years in deep freezing.

After the Ark absorbs enough solar energy, the huge game system is running, and the game is officially opened.

The game also has a role to improve physical fitness under nerve stimulation to familiarize yourself with the gravity and environment of the new earth.

Although on the Ark, there are no countries and countries, and there are only human federations, but the system of human reproduction and evolution for millions of years is still there, and the rich and powerful are still superior, even the nutrition warehouse is the top.

The boy also knew why he was able to appear on the ark. After all, on the new earth, someone always had to do the hard and lowly physical work.

Without the lower, there is no middle; without the middle, there is no upper.

So if you want to sit on the top of the tower safely, you need a lot of middle and lower layers, it's that simple.

Everyone came to the freezer in their own area according to the first allocation.

Just this process took a whole day.

The boy stood in front of the window of the ark and saw the devastated moon.

This was the first time he saw such a clear moon, and it was also the last time.

Everyone around has a sense of novelty about the freezer.The "coolies" at the bottom of the society, when have they ever seen such high-tech, they even sneered at the so-called games, in their view, this is not a proper job!They would rather not be frozen, clean up and do some drudgery to earn extra money, it will give them more peace of mind.

"Hey, I've never been on a plane in my life, but I'm going to be on an ark all of a sudden for space travel!"

"This is smoke from the ancestral grave!"

"Don't tell me, I really brought the ashes of my ancestors with me. It's a pity that the freezer in area D is too small, and it was confiscated when I was on the ark. I begged for nothing, and only left A small bag is bigger than a palm."

"Haha, the ashes of your ancestor will probably be burned as fuel later haha!"

"Hey, look at your bad mouth! But I reckon it's..."

"Look at Lao Li, he gave birth to a good son, promising, and now he is taking the whole family to the freezer in Area C, tsk tsk tsk, he is capable!"

"The old Wang's family next door is amazing. My daughter married a rich man. Just now, the whole family went to the freezer in Area A!"

"But I heard that Lao Li's son doesn't seem to be my own. I bumped into Lao Li on a business trip before, and Lao Wang came out of his house in a panic at night..."

The boy shook his head, looking at the freezer that could only accommodate one person.

Less than two meters, just enough for a person to lie down in.

It's a freezer, but it's actually smaller than a coffin.

The young man searched for the few words in his mind, and finally found only one "clean" to describe it.

The uncles and aunts on the left and right swarmed and snatched it up, saying that my wife and I are next to each other, and our two families will continue to be neighbors.

People are all convergent animals, and they feel more secure when they are in a group.

The boy was squeezed back and forth among the crowd, and finally he was squeezed to the edge of the wall, alone.

What was left for him was also the position at the very end and the corner.

But for teenagers, it's no different.

All he has left now is this life and this name.

Everyone entered the freezer and lay down according to the posture. The nerve gun on the back was inserted into a whole section of the spinal cord. Even a teenager would feel pain. At this moment, he actually remembered the old men and women who talked about the mountains before, and he didn't know if they could survive. This kind of nerve gun is in the freezer, and it hurts and smiles.

Then, with the injection of the nutrient solution, a feeling of drowning came.

He struggled, and the last thing he thought of before his consciousness disappeared was the group of uncles and aunts next door.

"They will never make it through!"

"Ha ha!"


[The nutrient solution is injected, and the vital signs are normal]

【Start the cryogenic freezing program】

[Cryogenic freezing program 99%...]

[Low temperature energy supply failed, restart the program again]

"Captain, some freezers in Zone D have failed to supply energy. At the end of the freezers, we don't have enough energy to fully cover them."

"Is there a problem with Area A and Area B?"

"Everything is normal in the ABC area, there is no problem Captain."

"Save energy, set the sailing parameters, and you will enter the freeze soon!"

"But Captain, Area D..."

"The central system has a backup plan, don't worry about him!"

"Good captain!"

[Cryogenic freezing program, the third restart failed, start a backup plan]

[The cremation energy supply plan has been launched and is being configured and executed...]

[Configuration execution failed, there is no cremation energy supply channel in the freezer at the end of Zone D, the request failed, the request failed]

[Vital signs are abnormal!Abnormal vital signs! 】

[Start the third backup plan, connect to the central system in advance, and apply to enter the game]

【Applying for early access to the game, please wait...】

[Drip, successfully entered the game, vital signs returned to normal]

【Start the freezer spare repair plan】

[The backup repair plan for the freezer warehouse was successfully launched, and the repair progress is 1%...]

PS: Come on, buddy?

PS: The new book sets sail, I hope everyone likes it, how about recommending tickets and collecting it?
(End of this chapter)

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