my pet is boss

Chapter 10 Leng Qingqiu has made a move!

Chapter 10 Leng Qingqiu has made a move!

Seeing Shen Fei dealing with the two little monsters in a panic, the monster-hunting five-member team couldn't mention how excited they were.

All the previous depression turned into a grim smile at this moment.

They deliberately only pulled the boss, and the two mobs were just to make Shen Fei unable to escape.

The feeling of being powerless to watch his BOSS being robbed, just thinking of how happy these five-person groups are, and the excitement that can't be suppressed.

The intense thrill of revenge!
To their disappointment, they couldn't see any look of exasperation on Shen Fei's face.

"This guy is still pretending!"

"It's okay, when we kill the boss and share the things, this guy can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach."

After a few seconds, the she-wolf who was nailed by Shen Fei wailed and fell to the pool with a plop.

Hearing the howl, the black-backed giant wolf's pupils were blood red, and its face became even more ferocious.

The death of the female wolf made the black-backed giant wolf enter a [furious] state, and its attack power became stronger.

Bite it up, and the shield battle that had just milked to full blood left only one-third of the blood in an instant, so scared that he quickly activated the skill [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall] to resist damage.

"Damn it, why did the attack suddenly increase!"

This drastic change made all five people panic, and the pressure of treatment increased greatly.

"Hurry up, my mana will run out."

"It was Shen Fei who killed the she-wolf, and the BOSS went berserk!" The priest standing at the back had a wide view, and happened to see the two she-wolves on Shen Fei's kite, one fell over.

"Grass, I didn't expect the two mobs to be of great use!"

The summoner began to cast spells, and the water in the shallow pool began to shrink, gradually converging into a water figure.

The water man also started to join the output, and everyone increased their firepower, trying to rush off the black-backed giant wolf before the treatment had no blue.

The Leng family sisters who were standing outside the arena didn't expect that after the other party forcibly snatched the boss, Shen Fei would still have a second hand!

Leng Qingqiu frowned slightly, although he had already given this hunter a high evaluation, but now it seems that it is still low.

Looking at this guy's calm expression, he obviously knows the role of the two female wolves, and it's no wonder that he has been pulling the three monsters just now.

It's still Leng Ling's heart, and hit the nail on the head: "No wonder we heard the boss's wolf howl in the distance just now. It turned out to be the sound made after killing two female wolves."

Everyone worked together to output, trying to rush off the black-backed giant wolf before the mana of the treatment was exhausted.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth curled up slightly: "It seems that it's not enough."

Another shot of [Poisonous Snake Sting] was shot in the face of the she-wolf, and the blood-increased priest in the distance saw this scene, and his heart skipped a beat, feeling a bad premonition.

"Hurry up, the other monster is about to die."

The pastor was slurring his words, but the other four understood what he meant.

A mob fell, and the BOSS directly entered the [Rage] state.If another mob falls down again, it may trigger other buff states.

A few seconds later, the female wolf fell down under Shen Fei's output, and inhuman wailing came from everyone's ears.

Accompanied by that, the black-backed giant wolf was surrounded by a burst of blood that could be seen with the eyes—【Bloodthirsty】

The size of the black-backed giant wolf has increased a lot, and its attack speed has even made a leap.

Standing in the distance, Leng Qingqiu looked at the battlefield, and already thought of how to deal with the boss, or have a larger team, and then separate two tanks to attract the hatred of the mobs.Either find two occupations that can kite or have control, such as hunters or summoners, and keep pulling the kites of two mobs until the BOSS falls and then turn to the small ones.

Leng Ling on the side jumped up excitedly: "Bite him, bite him hard!"

It seems that the black-backed giant wolf is no longer a boss, but a good man who upholds justice.

With one sip, the blood volume of the shield battle directly bottomed out, and his face turned pale with fright.

The priest standing at the back was sweating profusely. This kind of blood loss rate is so fast that he can't breastfeed at all!

With the next bite, the shield warrior directly fell to the ground, and the hatred of the black-backed giant wolf was immediately transferred to the elemental mage who kept outputting nearby.

The movement speed increased significantly, killing the elemental mage who was outputting on the spot with one bite.

The hunter in leather armor was also bitten to death, and Shen Fei, who was standing in the distance, broke out in a cold sweat.

The violent and bloodthirsty black-backed giant wolf has a frighteningly high damage, and all non-plate armor occupations can take a bite and a second.If he had been bitten just now, he would have died long ago.

Shen Fei wasn't idle either, and took advantage of this opportunity to hastily hit him with [Poisonous Snake Sting].

Although I don't know how much HP the boss has left, but while the hatred of the boss is still on a few people, hurry up and output, just in case... right?
The water elementals and summoners summoned by the summoner were all bitten to death by the black-backed giant wolf.

The Priest of Discipline had already turned pale with fright. Losing experience and money after death was a trivial matter. He came back from beating two wolves because he didn't have much experience in the early stage. But being bitten off his head by this giant wolf is horrifying just thinking about it.

The pastor ran away, and Shen Fei shot from behind, not to mention how much fun he had.

In order to increase the distance and save arrows by the way, Shen Fei did not use long-range general attack.In its view, what the hunter shoots out one by one is not arrows, but money!

As early as 100 years ago, when he accidentally entered the game, the game was barren, and there was no such thing as a bow and arrow merchant. His arrows were all polished one by one by himself.

The dual wielding buff boss moved very fast. Before the priest could run a few steps, the giant wolf bit his calf, raised his head and swung it vigorously, half of his body flew out, and his intestines spilled all over the ground.

Leng Ling was originally very excited, these bad guys deserved to die, but the last scene was so brutal that she yelled out in fright, and quickly closed her eyes.

She thought it was just a game... She didn't expect to see such a bloody and violent scene.

This level - R16!
Leng Qingqiu's expression was as usual. She knew that "The Great Era" was not only a game, but as a pastime for interstellar voyages for a hundred years, this game also carried many missions.

Living on a new planet will definitely encounter many dangers.

Danger doesn't care about what is inappropriate for children, it treats everyone equally.

The five-person team was completely wiped out, and the brutal boss turned his head in the next second, facing Shen Fei who was struggling to output, showing sharp fangs stained with blood.

After Shen Fei released a [Poisonous Snake Sting], he immediately turned and fled, wanting to run outside the pool to escape from the battle.

It's just that the giant wolf's speed is too fast, Shen Fei probably wouldn't be able to get out of the pool at all at the current speed.

Shen Fei thought for a while, and decided not to run away, but turned around and began to output with all his strength.

There are still four seconds before the BOSS runs in front of him, take advantage of this time to hit a little more output, if it really doesn't work, there is another trick...

At some point, Leng Ling opened his fingers covering his eyes, revealing a pair of crystal clear eyes.

Seeing that Shen Fei didn't run for his life, but instead turned around to output, he couldn't hold back and shouted out: "Ah, run away quickly! What are you doing back here!"

As soon as the words finished, there was a gust of wind around him, Leng Qingqiu moved, and ran directly towards the pool.

Yes, that's the guy who kept saying "We don't care about other people's business" before.

Leng Qingqiu raised his hands, and the unique light of Templar knights appeared all over his body.

 PS: It has now been changed to a contract status. Starting today, there will be two chapters per day. Thanks to the anti-heavenly snake god, the wind-chasing Rejoice Wanshang, and other friends for their rewards. I am very grateful.The update time is still the same as the old book, every 0:1 and [-]:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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