Chapter 15

Although he has seen the magnificent history of the Great Era, even Shen Fei personally participated in many events.

But after waking up this time, Shen Fei felt that he still underestimated the power of capital.

In reality, they are the lowest-level "labor" and "leek". In the game, they thought that they had five years more experience than others, so they could get along smoothly. It was only after chatting with Lao Ren that Shen Fei realized that he was still too young.

However, it is better than the reality now. Whether it is the previous experience or the process after the reopening of the game, he, Shen Fei, finally affects the milestone existence of the game. Compared with the reality, this is an earth-shaking change.

What he has to do now is to seize the opportunity in front of him, fly higher, and eat more!

50 yuan ore, a piece of 5 copper coins, add up to 2 silver coins and 50 copper coins.

This price made Shen Fei heartbroken, but when he thought of the mottled scrolls hanging in the blacksmith shop, what happened before was still vivid in his memory.

"I hope that this group of unscrupulous apprentices can really inherit my mantle, otherwise I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

In order to save a copper coin, you can browse the entire trading market, don't doubt Shen Fei's stinginess and stinginess.

But for him to gamble with such a large amount of money, one can imagine how rich the rewards will be.

Shen Fei returned to his consignment booth again, still surrounded by many people, even many soldiers returned from handing in their missions, and when they heard that someone was consigning fighter skill books in the trading square, they all came to join in the fun.

This is the first skill book they have seen, and it is the soul skill "Crush".

Ah no, I made a mistake, it should be "Charge".

Shen Fei thought about it, you people just took a look and left, why don't you stay in front of the booth?How does this make other people think?
There are three trading modes in the Exchange Square. The first one is the old one, where people stand in front of the booth in person, so there will be no booth fee or any additional fees.

The second type is consignment stalls like Shen Fei. The consignment rent for a stall is one copper coin a day.

Both of these stalls have a disadvantage, that is, players can only see what is being sold when they enter the trading square and in front of the booth. The exposure is limited, but the advantage is cheap.

The third is to go directly to the auction house in the trading square and hang the item in the auction house, so that all auction houses in the entire light camp can see this item, and the exposure is very high.However, for items listed in the auction house, 10% of the item's selling price will be charged as a commission.

If this is listed in the auction house, the handling fee will be 5 silver coins, which can charge 100 yuan ore.

Unless Shen Fei was crazy, he wouldn't do such a prodigal thing.

Shen Fei found that there were still many people joining in the fun, so he thought about it and planned to go to leveling first.

As soon as the front foot moved, there was a domineering sound of clearing the field.

"The Hongmao Group came to do business, and the idlers all get out of the way." I saw a group of fighters opening, including monks with clothed hands, and swordsmen carrying giant swords, with a terrifying momentum.

Many soldiers standing in front of the booth were shocked when they heard the name of Hongmao Group, and immediately moved out of the way.

This Hongmao Group is a wine company, but it has always been extremely domineering. When it was on Earth, it was rumored that someone was beaten to death by the big hands sent by the Hongmao Group for revealing the truth. Even the officials turned a blind eye. .

Such a company with all-hands-eyes and black-and-white two-way, must not be offended.

"Young Master, this is the stall that sells warrior-type skill books, take a look."

A fat guy wearing plate armor came out from the middle, with a standard second-generation son's expression on his face. He glanced at the skill book, then raised his hand, and said lightly, "I bought it!"

The onlookers gasped when they heard it.

This is 50 silver coins, not 5 small copper coins!Actually bought it understatement, it really is rich and willful.

"This skill book was blown up by that man named Shen Fei, right? You should find a way to contact him and promise a lot of money. It's best to get it under his command so that he can be my thug to blow up the skill book in the future." The little fat man said, directly I learned the "Charge" skill book I got.

Shen Fei just mixed in the crowd, frowned when he heard what the rich second generation said, and directly turned off the friend application function, prohibiting anyone from adding friends.

To put it bluntly, it is an eagle dog, but to put it bluntly, it is to be a dog. Shen Fei does not have this habit.

After the transaction was completed, the money appeared in Shen Fei's package.

Shen Fei rushed to Lao Ren's ore stall non-stop, and it happened that he had just returned from the manager's application for goods transfer.

As soon as he met Lao Ren, he smiled and congratulated Shen Fei, which made Shen Fei Zhang Er confused.

"It's nothing to congratulate me for, why?"

"You said you were going to raise money just now, but you came back so soon, the skill book must have been sold, 50 silver coins, isn't the difficulty worthy of congratulations?"

Shen Fei was taken aback for a moment, these people doing sales are all good people!
Not much nonsense, I made a delivery with Lao Ren, and I got 50 yuan of ore.

Lao Ren also got the money happily and completed the sales task for this month ahead of schedule.

"You should learn forging, right? I wish the blueprints you forged will explode! If you have any ore needs in the future, please contact me directly, and I can deliver them to your door!"

Shen Fei nodded, feeling that apart from the fat pig who bought his skill book before, there is not a single simple person who struggles in this society.

Combined with his identity and the fact that he was the first to overthrow the BOSS, he guessed that he learned forging and exploded the forging blueprint...

These adults are really scary. Sure enough, underage boys should protect themselves outside.

After taking the ore, Shen Fei went back to the blacksmith's shop, found an empty blacksmith's bench and began to forge the armor needed for the mission.

dang dang dang...

Once the armor is built.

dang dang dang...

Armor [-] is finished.

The task was only to forge one pair of protective armor, but Shen Fei forged ten pairs in one go!

Fortunately, the people at the forging platform went to the appraiser to join in the fun, and there was no one around, otherwise they would all think that Shen Fei is a fool.

After forging ten pairs of armor, Shen Fei walked into the blacksmith shop to deliver the task.

Because this is a professional task to learn forging skills, it does not take up the number of forging times.

The forging times of each forging player are linked to their level. Level 1 players can forge once a day, level 2 players can forge twice a day, and so on...

Now Shen Fei only hopes that his disciples and grandchildren can truly learn the essence of his craft and not let him down.

First handed in a pair of armor, completed the task at the NPC, successfully learned the primary forging technique, and added 10 points of forging proficiency by the way.

Shen Fei took out his wooden sword, and suddenly said righteously: "Master Horton, as the new guardian of Xinshou Village, I would like to express my most sincere greetings to you for your hard work in teaching forging apprentices in the village. I bring you a Nine sets of armor, please don't refuse, please accept it, this is what I should do as a village guardian..."

The blacksmith NPC Holden was also stunned, and immediately smiled: "There are really not many good young people like you now!"

"I don't know if it's my delusion. I vaguely see that you have a bit of the shadow of the patriarch. If you think about it, you can carry forward the forging technique passed down by the patriarch. I will accept this armor. I still have a volume of forging experience here. You can Take it to see..."

Shen Fei rolled his eyes wildly in his heart. When he taught the human forging technique, Horton hadn't been born yet, and he still had some shadows. How the hell can he talk? Sure enough, he learned the essence of me, Shen Fei.

Shen Fei didn't expect that what the NPC showed was forging experience.

[Horton's forging experience]: After learning, directly increase 100 points of forging proficiency, a one-time consumption item, not tradable.

After learning casually, Shen Fei's primary forging proficiency directly rose to 110 points, and in the life skill column, a gray-white sealed skill was also directly unlocked.

(End of this chapter)

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