my pet is boss

Chapter 22 Lava Crypt

Chapter 22 Lava Crypt
Back then, the Pale Wolf King fled back to the cave on the mountain in such embarrassment.

Only this time, when the dust dissipated, a small bump appeared on the ground.Shen Fei stepped forward and vaguely saw something buried under the earth bag.

After digging for a while, the treasure chest appeared in front of him, and Shen Fei got the dungeon clearance reward.

Two forging blueprints, two skill books, and five silver coins.

One blueprint for forging a bow and arrow, and the other one is a blueprint for a staff. Neither of the two skill books can be used by Shen Fei, but they can be taken back and sold for money. They are all skill books that can be learned by level 10 in other professions.

The only consolation is 5 silver coins, which is simple, direct and rude.

The task list shows that Lucian's task has been completed, but the [Wrath of the Earth] task still shows that it has not been completed.

Thinking of the direction where the Pale Wolf King was escaping, Shen Fei hurried to the giant wolf cave.

If you want to reveal the secret of the wild beast reappearing at the entrance of the village, you must go to the cave of the giant wolf to find out what happened.

Now Shen Fei understands the purpose of the process guide, which is to let the players know the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Shen Fei didn't hurry back to the mountain, because the Pale Wolf King was defeated, and all the mobs on the road before disappeared. Shen Fei went back to the village to find Lucien and handed in the task, which was settled together with the dungeon reward. The full rest and experience compensation he brought brought him from level 7 and a half to level 9 directly.

Shen Fei was overjoyed. What was happy was not that he had reached level 9, but that the status brought by the upgrade was full, which saved him the water bag to recover mana.

This bag of water costs 2 copper coins!
As before, on the way to the cave after defeating the Pale Wolf King, you can no longer see any wild monsters.

There were tick-tock blood stains on the ground, in order to guide Shen Fei to the giant wolf cave.

Coming to the giant wolf cave, and once again going to the hall in the cave, Shen Fei saw another energy curtain in the form of a copy.

It's just that this time the energy curtain is scarlet, not the light blue that came in before.

Enter another copy from the copy?
This weird feeling gave Shen Fei the illusion of Inception.

Shen Fei didn't hesitate, and directly threw himself into it.The surrounding scenery has not changed much, the location is still in the Giant Wolf Crypt, a wave of heat is blowing in the face, and there is even hot magma emerging from the cracks in the ground.

Shen Fei found that the wild wolves in the Giant Wolf Crypt were different from the wild wolves outside. They all had a layer of scarlet blood on their bodies, and they all entered the [bloodthirsty] state.

Shen Fei, the wild wolf who has entered the [Bloodthirsty] state, absolutely dare not move. In this state, the wolf moves very fast and cannot kite at all.
Shen Fei had never been to this Giant Wolf Cave, and stood at the entrance of the dungeon to observe for a while, Shen Fei wanted to find a way to avoid wild monsters.

It's just that the layout of the giant wolf cave is narrow, and it is an underground world.

As far as the eye can see, it is a stone road with five people side by side, and the wild monsters on the road cannot be avoided at all.

Even a thief with Stealth would startle wild monsters at such a short distance, and the wild monsters would see through Stealth.

"It seems that we can only go back and find four teammates to kill together."

There were either cliffs or hot magma on both sides of the stone road, there was no way to settle down, and Shen Fei was not given any chance to opportunistically.

"Look at the attributes of the bloodthirsty wolf before you leave, otherwise it would be in vain." Shen Fei is not far from the entrance of the dungeon. He would not know anything, and even Shen Fei wanted to try the attack power of these bloodthirsty wolves.

Level 9 Shen Fei now has 320 health points. No matter how high the attack of these level 6 bloodthirsty wolves is, they will not be able to kill Shen Fei with a single claw.

What's more, Shen Fei still has 13 points of armor, which can offset part of the damage.

Shen Fei took out his vine-wood sword in his hand, and approached the bloodthirsty wolf closest to him step by step.

The normal alert range of wild wolves is about fifteen yards. Once within this distance, wild wolves will take the initiative to attack.

At a distance of twenty yards, the bloodthirsty wolf remained silent.Shen Fei continued to test forward, leaning his body step by step backwards, such movements are convenient for escaping later.

When approaching fifteen yards, the bloodthirsty wolf finally reacted.

After raising his head, there was a piercing sound in his throat, his sharp teeth were exposed, and blood was surging all over his body, obviously he was irritated.

Seeing this, Shen Fei ran away without saying a word.

As the first bloodthirsty wolf rushed towards Shen Fei, the two bloodthirsty wolves at the side also rushed up.

The bloodthirsty wolf was faster than Shen Fei, but there was still fifteen yards between the two, and it was not immediately possible to catch up.

Shen Fei ran to the door of the dungeon, and the bloodthirsty wolf behind him had already chased him.

Shen Fei pinpointed the timing, as long as the bloodthirsty wolf touched him, he would immediately escape from the dungeon.

Shen Fei turned around and faced the bloodthirsty wolf. If the back was facing the wild monsters, the wild monsters would cause higher damage.

But even Shen Fei didn't expect that when he turned around, the bloodthirsty wolf with bared fangs suddenly stopped, groaned twice, prostrated himself on the ground and lowered his head, and the thick blood on his body gradually dissipated , as well-behaved as a husky.

The two bloodthirsty wolves following behind also whined twice after seeing Shen Fei, the small voice sounded quite aggrieved.

Shen Fei was a little confused, why did these monsters suddenly change their nature and become cute? Could it be that they were deeply impressed by his handsome face?
Shen Fei rubbed his chin and sighed: "Although there is a language barrier, there are still some things in the world that can be shared across races, such as aesthetics."

Shen Fei tried to take a step forward, the body of the bloodthirsty wolf lying on the ground trembled slightly, and buried its head deeper, as if it was too handsome to look directly at Shen Fei.

"Please don't go any further, we can no longer resist this handsome face!"

This is Shen Fei's translation of the two "woo woo" from the bloodthirsty mad wolf just now. As for whether the translation is correct, Shen Fei thinks it should be roughly the same. Although he modified it with rhetoric, the original meaning has not changed.

Shen Fei was a little dazed, and tried to walk forward again, but the three bloodthirsty wolves did not follow, and they were still prostrate on the spot, as if they were frozen.

Shen Fei boldly walked in along the stone road. After seeing Shen Fei, the bloodthirsty wolves on both sides showed fierce expressions for the first time, but then they prostrated themselves on the ground and let out two "woo hoo" sounds. voice, did not dare to lift his head.

Shen Fei continued to go deeper, and came to an empty center along the stone road. There were three small roads nearby that all converged here. In the center was a giant black-backed wolf, with two female wolves beside him.This is not exactly the replica in the woods before.

Shen Fei glanced at this empty stone hall, the scope was about the same size as the pond where the boss was killed before.

(End of this chapter)

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