Chapter 28

When Shen Fei chose to log off, the system popped up two confirmation messages in a row. After the confirmation, there was a sudden sense of tiredness, and then Shen Fei's eyes went dark and he lost all consciousness.

When Shen Fei opened his eyes again, he felt the existence of his body, and suddenly felt alive.

Shen Fei regained a little bit of adaptation, refocused on the game itself, and walked towards the trading square involuntarily.

Relying on instinct to come to the trading square, Shen Fei can see the sales situation when he is close to his booth.

The four skill books have been sold out, and two gold coins are neatly placed. As for the blueprints... none of them were sold!
Shen Fei rubbed his eyes with an unbelievable look. It's too weird that none of such high-level forging blueprints were sold, isn't it?
"This group of guys really don't know what to do. Such a good blueprint is a must for land reclamation! No one wants it."

Shen Fei angrily accepted the two gold coins and left the booth.

When many players see advanced weapon blueprints, their first reaction is to salivate, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not worth buying at a high price now.

For high-level forging blueprints, not to mention whether they can be forged with good things after buying them at a high price, it can be said that they can be forged. The equipment crafted from level 10 blueprints can only be used as early as level 10 at the worst.Now everyone is generally at the fourth or fifth level, and buying it back will not have any effect except staring.

It's better to wait for the level 6 "Rise of the Human Race" step by step, and then go to the level 10 "Giant Wolf Crypt".

What's more, even if you buy blueprints now, you can't find a blacksmith who can make them.

Shen Fei added all three points of free attributes to his stamina when he was upgraded to level 10, and now he directly has 380 points of health.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei contacted Lao Ren again, bought some ore from him, and prepared to forge his own bow and arrow forging diagram.

He has used the bow and arrow that came with him for a long time, and his 1-2 attack power is completely incapable of the next battle.

Lao Ren was naturally emotional again, Shen Fei posted three official announcements a day, and now he has been hailed as "Game No. 1" by the players.

Shen Fei didn't dare to waste time, he already had a new plan for today.

Now that he has no needs in Novice Village, the only thing he can do is to make money.

Money, of course, has to be earned from other players.

Shen Fei also found that there seemed to be a lot of vendors selling blueprints in today's trading square, and some stalls even had skill books for sale.

This was exactly as he expected. After yesterday's missions and upgrades, many players reached level five and began to attack the black-backed giant wolf in the deep forest.

The battle mechanism of the black-backed giant wolf is not complicated, as long as the group is destroyed once, the style of play is basically mastered.

But the progress of subsequent dungeons will definitely not be so fast, after all, each dungeon can only be played once a day.Shen Fei cleared the level alone and obtained such a generous reward, even if a team of five people went in, the rewards dropped might not even be enough for five people to share.

When Shen Fei came to the blacksmith shop, he glanced at the bulletin board unwillingly. There were still no valuable forging commissions on it, and the prices were all in the dozen or so copper coins, which was a lot higher than yesterday.

After all, now that the black-backed giant wolf has been overthrown, many players have reached the level of entering the level 6 dungeon "Rise of the Human Race" in terms of level. The only thing they lack is a handy weapon.

It's just that entrusting forging is very risky, and forging materials must be provided, and commission fees must be paid.A weapon needs to spend at least 30 copper coins to make money, which is not guaranteed to produce good things.

Shen Fei didn't have any expectations for good orders. When the players leveled up and entered the real first large-scale dungeon "Giant Wolf Crypt", they would have higher requirements for weapons.

The level 6 copy of "Rise of the Human Race" is just an attempt, and the entry level is very low.

There is only one boss, Pale Wolf King, in the whole dungeon, and in the end he was beaten away, not killed.

The points that need to be paid attention to in the dungeon are the two elite wolves on patrol, and the [culling] skill of the Pale Wolf King.

But the "Giant Wolf Crypt" at level 10 is different. There are three bosses alone. The first one is similar to the black-backed giant wolf, and the second is a three-color wolf. The wolf king has its own transformation skills, the tentacle-turned pale wolf king is faster, does more damage, and is more disgusting...

Even mobs are bloodthirsty wolves, which have certain requirements on the strength of the team.

As soon as Shen Fei came to the forging platform, a group of people rushed up.

"Boss Shen is here to make weapons again?"

"I didn't expect to be able to witness Boss Shen's operation again."

"I don't know what level of weapons Boss Shen can create this time."

Many blacksmiths and players gathered around. Although everyone couldn't see each other's names, Shen Fei had a symbolic wooden sword pinned to his waist.

In a place where players are full of iron swords or steel axes, a wooden sword is absolutely unique.

Shen Fei took a look, there were quite a few of them, they surrounded him with three layers inside and three layers outside.If you don't forge something good today, wouldn't you want to destroy your own golden signboard with your own hands?

Shen Fei suddenly had an idea, and slowly pushed away the crowded crowd and said: "I came here today to build weapons for myself, so let's make room first!"

Hearing that Shen Fei really wanted to forge weapons, everyone was full of expectations.

Many players didn't see Shen Fei forging the excellent blue weapon yesterday, but according to other people's word of mouth, the birth of [Bright Gospel] in Leng Qingqiu's hand has become a legend.

Yesterday's client thief became a joke among many players.

Shen Fei was not in a hurry to forge it, but took out his vine wood sword and held it respectfully with both hands.

Then he knelt down on one knee, mumbling something in his mouth: "I hope this forging can bring me good luck."

The narrators were all stunned. What is Shen Fei begging for with a sword in his hand?

Some sharp-eyed players recognized the Fujiki sword and said excitedly: "This is the sword on the village altar. Whoever can pull it out will be the new warrior guardian of the village."

Guardian of Novice Village.

Worship the sword.

A series of vocabulary appears, and what the player needs to do is to connect these vocabulary together, so it becomes: worshiping the sword can get blessings and good luck, and the probability of forging the quality of weapons will increase!
Shen Fei took a deep breath, it will depend on whether he can succeed this time.

After taking the ore, he swung the hammer and knocked non-stop.

After a while, the kung fu bow and arrow was forged, and it was quietly placed in Shen Fei's backpack.

Long before coming to the blacksmith shop, Shen Fei bought a lot of appraisal scrolls and put them in his backpack.

"Boss Shen, quickly appraise it, what quality equipment is it?"

"What attribute? Boss Shen sent it out for a look!"

"It's the first time to see Boss Shen open the goods with his own eyes, and I'm a little excited!"

The players surrounding Shen Fei urged Shen Fei to quickly post the attributes, Shen Fei could hear that some of this group of people were just joining in the fun, and some were really planning to watch a joke.

If this wave of Chen Fei doesn't come out with something good, then this group of people will definitely step on him.

And these people, Shen Fei, are also vaguely influenced, they are those guys from Huayao Forge.

PS: Thank you for your rewards and votes. Here Wanjun needs to say that when the new book is not on the shelves, please do not send red envelopes for recommendation tickets, because the collection added by grabbing red envelopes is not a real collection. After seeing it in the editorial background, you will feel that you are brushing Data, so as to pull this book into the blacklist. At that time, there will be no follow-up recommendations and only eunuchs, so before it is put on the shelves, everyone can vote for favorites and rewards, or even leave a message for support. This book is worth tens of thousands of words...

(End of this chapter)

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